It's arrived - Better late than never



The DVD arrived earlier today and installed no problem.
Been flying ever since. ( wife's out ...heheheh )

It was shipped 20th january - so you guys still waiting, keep the faith, some of these DVDs went the scenic route.!

Really glad to hear you're back in the pit. Keen to hear your first overall impressions.


Thanks James
the new system is handling it beautifully- 40 FPS most everywhere at 4 on the scenery/terrain sliders.
I've had one campaign furball - good fun, but mainly flying QC.
The GUIs are very well thought out and done.
Had victory in QC - I went and landed in the field wher the vanquished was laying and taxied up to take a look.
Well impressed with the DM . No doubt, as Bruno said - CONFIRMED ! -lol
I must be one of the lucky ones. My wife encourages my flight simming. A lot of times she watches my missions and then we critique them afterwards. She's a real sport! She also likes to read the forum with me. I have to be careful though, I think she may have developed an affinity for the Black Baron!
