Its arrived..but a HUGH problem



Well I must say, the game arrived and now I must face the worst case senario darling wife has hidden the bloody game till my birthday next week :(..can't even get to install the bloody game lol...ah well so I must wait yet again!!!
Well I must say, the game arrived and now I must face the worst case senario darling wife has hidden the bloody game till my birthday next week :(..can't even get to install the bloody game lol...ah well so I must wait yet again!!!

Try to ask where the game is from her while shes sleeping. She might tell you the place :).
Well I must say, the game arrived and now I must face the worst case senario darling wife has hidden the bloody game till my birthday next week :(..can't even get to install the bloody game lol...ah well so I must wait yet again!!!

Have you explained to her the principle of court-martials and firing-squads?
Almost a reason for a divorce, that! But a divorce takes much longer, so, your solicitor would say: wait that week.
That will be a fine birthday - everyone waiting for you to join for coffee and cake, and you shouting from your room: just one Quick flight, and I'll be with you!
Its my experience that a wife will not let you know about her 'secret place' even she's awake, let alone asleep!!!