It's gonna be a long Tuesday....

That's all supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but yet "Give us our classic Fly-By view back...............Not Started" . Atleast Replay Functionality is 'Started'.

Obviously Asobo hates Fly-By. Prolly too much work to implement. Odd.... :a1451:
The blues song at the end of the clip was kinda fitting: "The thrill is gone", i.e no fly-by view...

Excited for the AN-2 to be available in the sim tomorrow. Going to need to get through the SU12 update first though hah
Im waiting for weather changes but what I saw this turbulence strenght slider doesnt work with real weather so still no good solution for strange behavior in the air I suppose.
I got a little confused watching the video at the mention of a fix for the HUD on the DC3 :confused:.

Wait for official statement, changelog of patch. There is a lot of information in this video about almost nothing. As I read the Beta thread on the MSFS forum, it's not so rosy. There are bugs that have not been resolved till the last open beta, and there is even regression for some things. Of course, I don't know if they won't fix it at the last minute but I hope!
500MB prerequisite download, 8.7 GB core update and another 5 GB in the content manager.
MSFS is currently discussing with my router wether or not they should deliver the final 300MB.:banghead:
Wow, so they put an iPad in the Jenny. That makes the whole 8-gb update worthwhile!
