It's here but won't run



Hi guys, the game arrived and there was much excitement, however now it won't actually start, it tells me there was a problem accessing the menu and advised me to uninstall-reinstall which I have done several times and it has yet to work.

The other thing was that my DVD drive wouldn't read the disk, so I've had to copy to my external hard drive and install from that. Can't see why that would cause the problem though.

Anyhow, any ideas folks?
I'm wondering if you installed CFS to BHAH out of order or didn't run the old CFS first...check out the faq and install exactly as it says, or it will not work. If you could copy and install from an external I don't think you have a bum dvd.
The other thing was that my DVD drive wouldn't read the disk, so I've had to copy to my external hard drive and install from that. Can't see why that would cause the problem though.

That is very strange indeed. Did you go My Computer>"D" drive, double-clic. And it still refused to take notice :kilroy:
Cheers guys, Gimpy, i have had that problem with other discs, its a well documented fault on the LG drives, they are rubbish!

Shunkan, I have gone through the process as per the instructions, both from a clean CFS3.1 install and just from the CD, neither have worked.

All very vexing.
Hi Rupert, sorry you having trouble -what exactly does it do? Can you give more details?
Did you have Phase2 installed?

Probably best to email us Rupert

It could be that the files didn't copy correctly or are corrupt in some way.