It's Here! It's Here!



It arrived while I was walking the dog. Sad to say I can only inspect the box and DVD (which arrived in perfect condition) because I'm out the door to work - AAARRGGGHH!

I'll let you know later if it runs on Win 2000Pro as well as OFF2 does.

Quick update - Phase 3 works just as well on Windows 2000 as Phase 2 did! Just beautiful guys! Fine work!

Thanks Cobra - I have one question for you- have you noticed any difference between P2 and P3?


got it after 12days

Got it, after 12 days, 10bdays 2 weekends. :jump::jump::jump:
I'm now going to install it. :wiggle:

So shipping to the eurozone is 10 workingdays. :applause:
Hi Winder,

Yes, quite a difference in the AI especially. I cannot push the graphics on my rig as it slows down, (long overdue for a new rig). But I found P3 looks better at the same settings as P2, and runs as well or better. It certainly PLAYS better, as the campaign is fluid, polished and unpredictable in a natural way, (not in a "flight spawns here") way. LOL.

I spent some time testing graphics settings and found a comfortable tradeoff in fluidity and pretty. Maybe I should post them for other users with older machines?

Thanks for creating such a great piece of work, all of you did a fantastic job. From the development of the artwork of all the skins, (OMG) and the reasearch it must have taken for all the backround info, the database and the historical information - truly an accomplishment I don't think a commercial development could have ever reached. Only a labor of love and interest gets this good. :applause::applause::applause:

I look forward to a new machine that will run it with everything turned up.
