It's here!!!



I just got P3!!!
Amazing! Im speechless! I cant write any more! OFF to play!!

Oh yes....
Thank you OFF team!!! :applause::applause::applause:
P3 really is great! :applause:
I was involved in a dogfight with 8 aircraft and had a nice time (not for much killed by a mid-air collision :faint:)
But I got some questions..
1)Can I activate the targeting cone? I dont have TrackIR yet...(gonna get freetrack)
2)In P2 I used to have: 5 aircraft/ 2 scenery /2 terrain /5 effects/1 clouds 1024x768 no AA
In P3 I have the same options. While flying over Arras on April of 1917 there was a heavy bombardment going on. Even if I wasnt looking directly at the front, my fps was 8! Slide show! similar occassions in P2 I had like 20-25 fps and I had a MUCH worse PC!
My specs now are:
P4 3.2GhZ
ATI HD 4670 512MB DDR3
3.5 GB RAM
Win XP SP2 32bit.
How can I improve performance?
P3 really is great! :applause:
I was involved in a dogfight with 8 aircraft and had a nice time (not for much killed by a mid-air collision :faint:)
But I got some questions..
1)Can I activate the targeting cone? I dont have TrackIR yet...(gonna get freetrack)
2)In P2 I used to have: 5 aircraft/ 2 scenery /2 terrain /5 effects/1 clouds 1024x768 no AA
In P3 I have the same options. While flying over Arras on April of 1917 there was a heavy bombardment going on. Even if I wasnt looking directly at the front, my fps was 8! Slide show! similar occassions in P2 I had like 20-25 fps and I had a MUCH worse PC!
My specs now are:
P4 3.2GhZ
ATI HD 4670 512MB DDR3
3.5 GB RAM
Win XP SP2 32bit.
How can I improve performance?


Targeting cone is still there - sorry I cannot remember how to activate it as I never use it - I am sure someone here knows the CFS3 procedure

That does sound rather low FPS - have you run P2 on this same rig in the past?

Both you and cpirrmann are having FPS issues with cards that really shouldn't present any trouble. Both are ATI, I would recommend trying out different driver versions and see if that helps (maybe you both have the same versions). It was awhile ago but the last ATI card I had was an x700 and it too gave me FPS drops due to a bad batch of drivers at one time. Can't hurt anything to try!
On this rig no P2. But in the old rig I had ike 40 fps on CoD 2 and now I have 120!
I tried putting AA to 8 and setting texture size 1024x768x32 (instead of x16).
In the beggining I saw big visual difference with no fps change. But no good. When I fly in formation, while watching my flight leader I have 19 fps. Over the front I got 9...
On this topic, is there any way to improve frame rate by lowering cloud detail, terrain detail etc etc, in a menu like there was in phase II? If there is, I can't seem to find that menu, and the only one in workshops is the AC detail. Any ideas?

On this topic, is there any way to improve frame rate by lowering cloud detail, terrain detail etc etc, in a menu like there was in phase II? If there is, I can't seem to find that menu, and the only one in workshops is the AC detail. Any ideas?


Gous yeah sounds like ATI drivers - the dev team all have Nvidia so I am not in a position to help u directly - sorry.

Zoom - its the CFS3 sliders - in workshops press the CFS3 Config button then go file, custom settings, OK, and set up the sliders!



You wil find the CFS3 config in the WORKSHOPS page in the OFF3 main window
rgs roarkr
I've also been having problems with computer slowdown when flying over or looking at the front while there's been a Major Battle happening (usualy it only slows down when I fly over the areas where intel reports a battle to be, with the gas attacks and smoke etc)

I can run the game with all the sliders set to 5 apart from terrain and scenery which are set to 4, resulting in limited slowdown over "normal" areas, however it all starts up when I look at the frontline.

I've also tried setting all the sliders to 2 and even 1, however it still results in major slowdown over the front, here are my system specs:

Intel Pentium D 940 3.2Ghz
ATI Radeon HD 3870 512mb
2.0 Gb RAM
Windows XP SP2

For now I've paused my April 1917 RFC-56 Campaign and started a 1915 RFC-3 Campaign, which is away from the Major Battles and so far haven't had any problems.

Other than that it's a brilliant sim. :wiggle:

I'll also try changing my drivers to see if that helps.
I tried putting AA to 8 and setting texture size 1024x768x32 (instead of x16).

You know, it is a strange thing but true- CFS3 and OFF run faster on higher resolutions !
Try at 1600 x1200 or whatever- just try it.:)