It's that time again [Bandwidth Drive]


Staff member
One of the biggest misconceptions on the internet is that the sites that we access for free every day are also free to set up and manage. The truth is that this site's administrators pay thousands of dollars every year. Many sites like Avsim and Flightsim get their revenue from advertisements. Not here. Sim-Outhouse depends solely on user donations. In return, you get one of the best Flight Sim sites on the web, and you get it without any advertisements. This year's $10,000 goal is to pay for both the .com page with these forums and the downloads archive and the .net page with not only its forums but also the FSHost and TeamSpeak servers. As of this writing, we currently have 7,321 members. If only 15% were to give only $10 each, we would meet our goal. That's about the same as a meal for one at a decent restaurant. If every member listed gave just $5, we could pay for service for two more years and beyond. It's not hard people, with just a little bit of generosity, this place will be here for years to come!

To donate, you can use the link at the top of every page, or to send a check or money order, Ron's address is in this thread.
To Admins


I'm very happy to donate, but I don't like the way Paypal wants to scavenge all sorts of personal inormation about me.
Also, snail mail is not easy because I live Down Under and would need to make a trip in to civilisation to get a money order or whatever.

Is there an account that I can transfer the donation to, simply using internet banking? I really am reluctant to use Paypal.
Admins, I think you have my email address in my account details, so you can take this offline if you like.

AFAIK, PayPal shouldn't be more intrusive than a credit card??? need either bank acc. no. or a credit card.
AFAIK, PayPal shouldn't be more intrusive than a credit card??? need either bank acc. no. or a credit card.

Yes it shouldn't be like that, you are right. I don't remember ever being asked for all my personal details, including phone, email, DOB, before. However following the donate link the other day, I was left in a Paypal screen where they were asking all sorts of unneccessary questions, just for a one-off payment? I am sure it was not the "join up" option I chose, but the "one-off" option.

Anways, I'll try again (3rd time) and see what happens.
Paypal Payments

OK I've worked out what is going on. When you choose the option to donate by Paypal, all is well until you get to nominate a country.

If you are in the USA, you can simply make a transaction without having to join up. But because I come from Down Under, I get taken to another screen, which is essentially Paypal's "join up" screen. So in order to donate using this option I have to set up an account. I will not do this. Hence my first question: is there another way to deposit directly to SOH? I would like to donate. Happy to take this offline with SOH admin.
