Ivan Hsu's I-16s


Charter Member
I thought that Ivan's CFS2 Moscas had made their way to FS9. Infact the Type 28 and Type 29 that he did were built for FS9 first then made their way to CFS2. But I can't find them now.
Simviation.com the CFS2 versions...which work just fine in FS9 right out of the box...no lights or effect of course, but they fly nice, all animations are intact. Several packages of the I-16 representing different Tips...what ever that is.

Thanks Obio, I also found Ivan's I-16s converted to FS9 here. The links to the Tip, or Type 5 and the gauges for FS9 are brokern, but they should be fixed after the move.

...I was/am looking for a challenge and I just had to pick a type thats twitchy when flying slow... :monkies:
NOt knocking Ivan's I-16s, as they are superbly done, but have you tried Crashwoody's new Rata? Handling that plane is like trying to put bow ties on two oily midgets on a heavy drinking night.....not sure what that means really, but it just popped into my head.

NOt knocking Ivan's I-16s, as they are superbly done, but have you tried Crashwoody's new Rata? Handling that plane is like trying to put bow ties on two oily midgets on a heavy drinking night.....not sure what that means really, but it just popped into my head.


I have Crash's I-16 too. Its good for virtual races and virtual vintage air shows. The airfile is just and twitchy. But I like Ivan's when ever I feel like in intimidating something. Ivan's Type 28 and Type 17 remind me of a bulldog with their cannons. Short, Stubby, Ugly, and not something you necessarily want to tick off. Traits I like after a long and frustrating day. :bump:

For the record, I have yet to land either Crashes or Ivan's successfully. Neither like flying slow, or dirty making go-arounds..... interesting....
srgalahad said:
I expect we'll lose quite a few tubeliner auto-land drivers along the way

excellent news!

i know a few sim-tubey pilots that use autoland in perfectly reasonable weather, by reasonable i mean visibility more than a mile, try flying VFR in them conditions :icon_lol: actually one of the ways i enjoy flying, sock the weather in and go for a NAVEX, when i used to fly for a VA i always stuck to the smaller stuff, saab 340's etc and flew a curved approach, sometimes ending the curve a few seconds before planting the gear, a lot of pilots when facing the real world weather in saab 340's saw the METAR report and bugged/chickened out, i plodded on... anyways back on topic....

you can JUST get the rata to behave on asphalt, emphasis really is on just there, just fly your normal approach ang keep her along the runway level till she's about 3ft off the deck, keep her there raising the nose a bit more as airspeed drops, then letting her settle, done right she'll take asphalt but yeah, she likes grass better, grass is better too if you belly land, especially if its been raining a while, less damage for the mechs to repair :icon_lol:
Ivan's Rata's still are my favourites! Very accurate models with all the right parts for each version and his do have flaps just like the real ones had.

I noticed that Ivan's tip 29 and 28 (its actually a Type 27) don't have the variable pitch prop. Would dropping in the airfile from Ivan's Type 18 fix this?