Hi Hubbabubba,
As usual, we have differing methods on doing the same thing. (No surprise there! ;-)
I do realise that SCASM has its advantages in that anything you can do via AF99, you can do via SCASM, but the fast cycle times for rebuilds and views in CFS is why I stay with AF99 for things I can do there. I also don't like the idea of a design baseline that isn't graphical.
Don't worry, this project WILL go SCASM for the 3D Virtual Cockpit eventually and possibly breaking parts (combat damage) and such.
If I understand you correctly, I do my best NOT to alter the texture file. The left wing is supposed to be a mirror of the right wing for the most part. There may be a position light or a fuel filler or insignia that is different, but the basic wing should be the same and not skewed by a pixel or two. Also, I don't see how I can align the wings differently with altering the texture because the scale of the pixels is so large. There is 15 feet of wing textured by a 256 pixel bitmap which means that the least I can move it with a texture is 0.05859375 feet. With altering the limits in AF99, I can move it 0.01 feet and actually can go a bit more precise than that by altering the 15 feet / 256 pixel scale to something like 15.01 feet / 256 pixel. This doesn't affect anything else because the wing has its own texturing scale anyway.
- Ivan.