I've been playing with this old floater again

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Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
I have for a while now been building up some layered masters for the old Alphaim Arado 196, started on them a couple of years ago and have recently restarted work, it's an early work in progress I have so far been concentrating on the fuselage.
i knew all that curry would have an effect... playing with yer floaters.... :icon_lol:

looks good that buddy :salute:
that looks very nice, Steve.
i will be keeping a close eye on this one.
i, too, am very partial to the floaters.
...like 'em so much,
i'm trying to build one for cfs.
I did some paints for the AR-196 a while back...can't remember if I ever uploaded them to the library or not. Will have to check.....

Looking forward to your paints for the 196, Steve....your mastery of colors is much better than mine...not to mention the details and weathering....I have always found German colors the hardest to get right.

I remember reading about this plane some time ago, and if memory serves... the Germans had a really hard time keeping the engines from falling off the fuselage, due to a hard landing on the water. Excellent work Steve--- :applause: looking forward to the finished product.

I have been doing a bit more, just the floats windsceen and rear stabs left to play with.
Once I have finished tweaking my layered masters there will be different nationalites available, heres a couple of samples.
Here's a couple of Luftwaffe schemes, just got the cammo on the floats to complete.
I found another couple hiding in the piles of dust in the corner of my storage space.
Should have something ready for upload this weekend. I have a 1946 Soviet Border Guards skin about done also.
I have just uploaded the first Luftwaffe scheme, more will follow over the next 24 hours.

Glad you like them, I did another one late last night, this one was based in Crete in 1941.
