I've got a question.............


Flame On!
I have vanilla CFS3 installed in my machine as well as the add ons (OFF, ETO etc) for it. The question I have is, in order to mod CFS3 with all of the great scenery, planes etc, do I have to partition my HD and dual boot XP in order to do that, or can I mod the one I use as a base for aforementioned add ons?

Er... what?

If I've understood correctly, all you need to do to create a new install is create a new folder, say "CFS3_my_Install" or something, and copy-paste the content of your vanilla folder into it. Then get Martin Wright's MultiCFS tool from here: http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/ (CFS3 utilities) and follow the instructions. Dead easy. It'll create you a full new set of application data folders, and the new install will be completely separate from the vanilla one. Happy modding!
No u dont need to partition to run a modded cfs3. u can keep ur vanilla if u want and just copy all files to another folder and rename it modded cfs3 or whatever u want and use that one to put all the mods u want but take ur time when modding,dont try and add a bunch of stuff all at once.If u dont want to have justa a vanilla cfs3 id still at least have another copy,that way u can mod run the game to make sure it runs fine then add those new files into ur other copy as a main backup.If u have 2 harddrives then id put the copy in it.This way if for some reason that u need to format u will still have a copy of all the hard work that u have done.The best way really is once u have a fully modded cfs3 if u are able to burn all those onto a disc then that is ur best bet,that way u wont have to re download all the files over and over.Then when there are new addons u can always save those in the same way.Be prepared to have a big cfs3 though,my modded copy is over 16 gig and im sure theres probally files that i dont have and probally dont even know about.And as i said make sure u take ur time adding and read the read me's as u go along,if not ur will run into problems because some files need other downloads in order to work
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info. I'm mainly a WWI flier but do enjoy taking a spin in a Spit or a Mustang from time to time. If I can get CFS3 to look decent I'll probably fly it more. I've got about 420Gb free on a 500Gb drive so I've got plenty of room.

if u have only the one harddrive i would advise if possible once all the files u want are installed in game that u burn them to dvd because u never know when a crash can happen,and u dont want to try and figure what u had and what u didnt have,Many times i thank God that ive had an extra harddrive and had a burner.I usually format every couple months and these dvds have saved me hours of hard work
cool glad to hear ya all sorted out now comes the fun part