I've had it with P3D


Charter Member
This is the end of P3D for me.
I have 2.5 and after running cccleaner, I lost contact with the joystick, all I had is "mouse yoke". The funny thing is I can control the aircraft with the stick and throttle. I tried the repair option and I got my stick back for one flight then back to mouse yoke. I deleted the config file and that lasted two flights then back to mouse yoke. The only thing left to do is a complete reinstall. I don't want to do that and have the same problem again. Not going to purchase 3.5 because I can tell you with certainty the day after I buy it, 4.0 will be released.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This was a known issue by LM and instead of patching the 2.X series, they released the 3.X series with that fix. Crappy deal to force another purchase, but...

However 3.4 is smooth and I dont experience those issues anymore.

Wish I had better options for you.

This is the end of P3D for me.
I have 2.5 and after running cccleaner, I lost contact with the joystick, all I had is "mouse yoke". The funny thing is I can control the aircraft with the stick and throttle. I tried the repair option and I got my stick back for one flight then back to mouse yoke. I deleted the config file and that lasted two flights then back to mouse yoke. The only thing left to do is a complete reinstall. I don't want to do that and have the same problem again. Not going to purchase 3.5 because I can tell you with certainty the day after I buy it, 4.0 will be released.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You could purchase P3D v3.4 on a month by month basis.
I've been doing the monthly since the first P3D was released. I'll probably continue to do that through the development curve on Version 4 as well.
It's only about the price of three cups of coffee. The re-installs can be a pain, but actually become easier over time. I only completely re-install when they jump to a new revision i.e. P3D2 to P3D3. Updates within a version don't need a re-install.

It's all a personal preference, of course, but my main goal is to work from the latest revisions.
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Get a registered copy of FSUIPC and set your controllers through that.
Its a lot more versatile than the default controller options anyway.
Yea, before going into "demolition" mode with P3D try FSUIPC. I have it controlling different Saitek and Goflight stuff. Would not fly without it.
I had lots of varying problems with 2.5 but have found the latest version much more stable. No problems with my old Saitek Joystick - I have only the unregistered but most current FSUIPC.
Good luck with all of it.
Would it be possible to save the a file which contains the controller information? That way if CCleaner deletes something, you would have a backup. I'm afraid I don't specifically know which file or files you could save, but surely there is something you can backup when you set up your sim commands.

It may be worth googling.
IF you know where your FSX.CFG file is located, there IS a file you can back-up to reload the controls if something happens. Look in the folder where your FSX.CFG is, and in it, there is a folder named CONTROLS. In that folder is a file named Standard.xml . That's where the assignments are located. You can make a quick back-up of it by rclicking on it, then in an empty area of the folder, rclick again, and click PASTE.
Poof! You now have a back-up copy of the control assignments as they exist at that moment.
If you don't know where your FSX.CFG file is, you'll need to google it, as it's different in different Windoze versions.

Hope this helps a little :D
thanks for all your help everyone. I'll be using fsuipc in the future. I should have gotten long ago.