J-3 Cub?


Charter Member
For an airplane that's very popular it doesn't seem to be represented much in FS9. There's the stock version but that seems kind of bland. Then there's one by Bill Lyons at The Old Hangar but, surprisingly, the flight model isn't very good and I don't know enough about the cfg file to improve it. That's all afaik.

If anyone knows of a good one freeware or payware please let me know.
For an airplane that's very popular it doesn't seem to be represented much in FS9. There's the stock version but that seems kind of bland. Then there's one by Bill Lyons at The Old Hangar but, surprisingly, the flight model isn't very good and I don't know enough about the cfg file to improve it. That's all afaik.

If anyone knows of a good one freeware or payware please let me know.

technically there's another 'Cub' J.E.Narcizo (or however his surname is spelt!) has the PA18 'Super-Cub' that things a barrel of fun out in the back country!

a 'new gen' Cub would be good, implementing FS Features we've discovered or learnt since MS released FS2004.....
Actually the default CUB is quite good. The only thing missing is the need to hand prop the engine. Flying wise it is quite accurate as I can confirm having flow the real thing a few times.
All the correct instruments are there, since a J3 CUB is the poster child for VFR minimum equipment. As a matter of fact if you can remember all the instruments installed in a CUB you can answer at least one of the FAAs written test answers correctly.

The PA-18 is a whole different airplane. It has more power, an electrical system and very effective flaps on just about the most efficient wing profile.

I have the Super Cub that I got from Aerosoft a few years ago. Very good and I like it. But I'm now setting up for Golden Wings only for a few months and that doesn't fit into the time frame. I guess I'll go with the default unless someone knows of one out there.
If you are only looking for a better flight model than the default one this should do it.

We have been using these as the allowable FM changes for the Around the World Race.


The FM's are by fliger747 and Alex Metzger both are a vast improvement over the default if you are running your realism settings High.
I have to agree with Stefan's post above.

I use FSX, and the Cub is still one of the default planes, as you may know.
I have bought, as a replacement, the A2A Cub with the famous "Accusim" extention. Of course it's much better than the default Cub, but honnestly, the default Cub is anything BUT ridiculous in comparison. In my opinion, it's a very good introduction to the real airplane.
My experience with the default cub is if all of the realism sliders are set far right you will have a very hard time getting off the ground and on the ground. The reason is the torque will usually flip around and on its side.

Like most FM's for the MS default planes it was set up for the lower settings and does not perform the same at higher settings.
If you are only looking for a better flight model than the default one this should do it.

We have been using these as the allowable FM changes for the Around the World Race.


The FM's are by fliger747 and Alex Metzger both are a vast improvement over the default if you are running your realism settings High.

I'll take a look at these. The reason I like the Lyons package is because it also includes float and clip wing versions. Plus an "Alaska Bush" paint. I'm going to see if I can mod the general portion of the fs2004 file plus air to this and see what happens. Thanks for it.
Actually the default CUB is quite good. The only thing missing is the need to hand prop the engine. Flying wise it is quite accurate as I can confirm having flow the real thing a few times.
All the correct instruments are there, since a J3 CUB is the poster child for VFR minimum equipment. As a matter of fact if you can remember all the instruments installed in a CUB you can answer at least one of the FAAs written test answers correctly.

The PA-18 is a whole different airplane. It has more power, an electrical system and very effective flaps on just about the most efficient wing profile.


I agree with Stefan. Although most of my time has been spent on the L-18C (90hp Super Cub), I have a small amount of experience on the L-4 and J-3 and feel that the default Cub is quite accurate in all that it does. Nothing better than flying along on a hot Summer's day with the door open. Not that we do much of that in England. Best J-3 experience to date was at Waynesville in Ohio, flying circuits and looking out the open door all the way down - with one eye on the ASI of course!!

Best wishes,

My experience with the default cub is if all of the realism sliders are set far right you will have a very hard time getting off the ground and on the ground. The reason is the torque will usually flip around and on its side.

Like most FM's for the MS default planes it was set up for the lower settings and does not perform the same at higher settings.

I never had such a torque problem, and I was always flying with maximum realism settings :/
The Cub in FSX acts quite similar (if not exactely the same) than the Cub in FS9, and the behavior is not so far from to the Accusim one.