J R Lucariny FSmodels web site


I was checking out his FSmodels page the other day and made a 25.00 donation for some of his aircraft. His web page say's make a donation and get the models. It's been 3 days and I've heard nothing from him. I've sent an email to him asking how do I get these by attachment or does he have a special web page for downloads. Has anyone here had any dealings with this guy? I hope I haven't been had! Robert
Well the wonder of it all. Lucariny actually send me a refund of $25.00 thru Paypal. So he is still alive but won't answer emails. It puzzles me why he still keeps his web site up. Simmers beware!
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he release them all as freeware, think they were at SimV.
Not all. I was mainly interested in the Antonov AN-70 and Arado AR 240B. I have an AI AN-70 that I converted so it would fly. I also have the Van Hein AR-240. His AN-70 is the only one I've seen on the net that is a complete model. Robert