Jaap de Baare's AI Neptune


Charter Member
I am attempting to adjust the [contact points] and static pitch of the Jaap de Baare AI Neptune. I do this by changing parameters (4), (9) and (10) of contacts 1, 2 & 3 and re-loading the aircraft after every change to see the result. I have used this procedure numerous times on other aircraft.

However, in the case of the AI Neptune, THERE IS NO CHANGE! What am I overlooking? :blind:

- H52
Sometimes it happens here too and only reloading the game will load the changes. I haven't figured out why yet but might have to do with which plane the game started with. I often add a light change as a tracer to see if changes are going through.
Thanks for the replies, gents. I haven't forgotten you; I just have not had time to try your solutions!:icon29::icon29:

- H52