Jahn c-97 in Prepar3D V3


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I have been attempting to use another of the great Manfred Jahn airplanes in Prepar3D - this time the C-97. For the most part everything works pretty well. The one item I have not been able to fix is the "crew calls" portion. As set up in the original installation it has not worked for me. I receive an error notice from the sim indicating that it can't find the DSD_FSX_XML_sound.ini gauge although it is present in the DSDSound sub folder within the C-95 panel folder.. I am wondering if anyone else may have experienced this and if so might have engineered a successful fix. I have included the relevant portion of my panel .cfg

gauge00=C97!Main, 0,0,1,1
gauge01=C97!LightsOMI, 20,764,22,67
gauge02=C97!OBSVC, 188,480,150,150
gauge03=C97!LightsApproach, 93,690,61,22
gauge04=C97!LightFlapWarning1649A, 161,727,22,22
gauge05=C97!AttitudeVC, 355,346,150,150
gauge06=C97!RMI, 17,480,150,150
gauge07=C97!TurnIndicatorVC, 143,181,150,150
gauge08=C97!ILS_cagedVC, 172,324,150,150
gauge09=C97!RadioDME, 22,842,122,70
gauge10=C97!LightParkingBrakeVC, 15,727,22,22
gauge11=C97!LightHydraulic, 52,727,22,22
gauge12=C97!TrimVC, 291,188,150,150
gauge13=C97!IconsVC, 930,456,74,193
gauge14=C97!LightsGear1649AVC, 14, 690 ,70,22
gauge15=C97!LightInTrans, 87,727,22,22
gauge16=C97!LightsReverse121GVC, 91,653,100,22
gauge17=C97!LightAutoFeather, 123,727,22,22
gauge18=C97!RadioCOMM1, 678,378,109,63
gauge19=C97!RadioNAV1, 787,378,109,63
gauge20=C97!RadioNAV2, 896,378,109,63
gauge21=C97!LightFire, 214,649,26,26
gauge22=C97!AirTempVC, 518,350,137,137
gauge23=C97!Call_SignVC, 678,452,100,18
gauge24=C97!Light_hyd_press1, 67,762,22,22
gauge25=C97!Light_hyd_press2, 97,762,22,22
gauge26=C97!Light_hyd_press3, 127,762,22,22
gauge27=C97!Light_hyd_press4, 157,762,22,22
gauge28=C97!ManPress1649AFE_1, 197,20,150,150
gauge29=C97!ManPress1649AFE_2, 360,20,150,150
gauge30=C97!Tachometer1649AFE_1, 524,20,150,150
gauge31=C97!Tachometer1649AFE_2, 687,20,150,150
gauge32=C97!ManPress1649AFE_3, 197,696,150,150
gauge33=C97!ManPress1649AFE_4, 360,696,150,150
gauge34=C97!Tachometer1649AFE_3, 524,696,150,150
gauge35=C97!Tachometer1649AFE_4, 687,696,150,150
gauge36=C97!Gyro049VC, 5,180,150,150
gauge37=C97!VerticalSpeed121GFE, 460,185,150,150
gauge38=C97!ClockFE, 850,20,150,150
gauge39=C97!AltimeterFE, 818,183,164,167
gauge40=C97!flaps, 662,196,126,126
gauge41=C97!RadioAltimeterVC, 338,485,183,183
gauge42=C97!Airspeed1649AFE, 20,20,150,150
gauge43=C97!CarbAirTemp121G_12, 540,516,120,120
gauge44=C97!CarbAirTemp121G_34, 674,516,120,120
gauge45=C97!LightVacuum, 19,655,44,22
gauge46=dsd_fsx_xml_sound!Sound, 2,2,2,2,/DSDSounds/dsd_fsx_xml_sound.ini
gauge47=C97!BrakeSound, 0,0,20,20
gauge48=squeaking brakes_Sound!dsd_xml_sound3, 0,0,20,20,./SimObjects/Airplanes/Boeing_C-97/panel/DSDSounds/SQBSound.ini
gauge49=C97!TW_C97_Smoke, 0,0,1,1
gauge50=C97!vor_1, 855,717,107,107
gauge51=C97!Monit, 13,931,34,24
gauge52=dsd_battery_charger!charger, 0,0,1,1
I want to fly this bird in P3DV3.2, but as soon as the plane loads it crashes the sim. May it be this gauge that's giving the trouble? I have installed the latest version (1.03), then tried with update 2, but no success.

The best I can tell ya is on my end, ALL of the M. Jahn "97 family" works well in FSX and P3D v2.4 !! Didn't have any issues installing them at all..

Sorry I can't help with your issues - something tells me it might be a "version 3" problem..

Just tried the C-97 in P3dv3.2, no CTD here.

I did get the "cannot fine DSD_FSX_XML_sound.ini" message, as per the original post, but that was easily fixed.

Edit the "gauge46=" line to read:

gauge46=dsd_fsx_xml_sound!Sound, 2,2,2,2,./SimObjects/Airplanes/Boeing_C-97/panel/DSDSounds/dsd_fsx_xml_sound.ini
Jahn C-97 in Prepar3D V3.2

Hi all
Back with Mr Jahn's C-97 in Prepar3d V3.2. I read the posts and edited the panel .CFG but now while I no longer receive the "cant find" window at start up for the DSD gauge discussed previously I receive a "can't find" window whenever I select any of the functions which are accompanied by a crew call. My squeaking brakes work fine but not any of the crew calls. Re-installation went properly and everything else works.
Suggestions appreciated. Great airplane in any case.
Ah, that's probably to do with the paths for the various sound files. I'll have a look into it later.
Thanks very much - worked like a charm! If only my airmanship could be fixed that easily.
All the best!