Japanese Scenery?


Charter Member
Hi folks!

I have now a bunch of japanese planes from 1920 - 1945, but I haven't found many sceneries for the planes! Any hints?
Presuming you're meaning military types? In which case 'Maskrider' did some CFS2
WWII sceneries for various Pacific locations, you should be able to get them here at Outhouse.

You'll need to experiment a bit with them as some are not 100% in same location
or compatible with Fs9..you also need to search out the CFS2 object libraries too

A lot of folks don't realise that most Fs 2002 and CFS 2 sceneries will also work in Fs9

hope this helps


Not much out there for WW2 Japanese airfields beyond CFS scenery. Have a look at Bill Lyons Goose package. A couple of airfields with AI.