I've just survived my first scramble and then followed that up with my first escort mission. I'm flying with Jasta 15 with their pretty Red & Blue Fokker DVIIs (good job on the squadron colors!). We were escorting a group of Hannovers to bomb an English field. As we neared the airfield, I seperated from my flight when they split from the bombers. When I rejoined the flight, they were engaged in a furball with tangle of SE5As. I was able to seperate out two, and after a lot of twisting and turning over their field, I was able to shoot them both down. I was a bit torn up and the airfield gunners started to pepper my crate so I decided to sneak back over my lines. As I left, another SE5A continued to stalk me. I was able to draw him away from his flight and I was able to dispatch him as well. I then continued on across the lines and attempted to land at a friendly field. Unfortunately, I hit a tree and crashed. I survived the crash, and noted that a "determining captivity status" window popped up as the game exited. All was well as far as captivity and being non-dead, but I was not allowed to fill out a claim report for the three kills I made. I know the report process may deny any claims I do make, but in this case I was not even able to make the claim. An additional note, after this flight I recieved credit for an ealier claim.
I was wondering if anyone else was having similar issues making claims? Either not being able to fill out a claim report due to having crashed and survived the mission, or possibly due to recieving credit for an earlier claim.
Overall I have to say this game is a blast. Thanks P3 team for putting this together.
I was wondering if anyone else was having similar issues making claims? Either not being able to fill out a claim report due to having crashed and survived the mission, or possibly due to recieving credit for an earlier claim.
Overall I have to say this game is a blast. Thanks P3 team for putting this together.