JayKae thank you Thread


Charter Member 2011
Just wanted to thank Jay for all of the support he has given to us (the ETO Team). He has played a major role in providing FTP space and most of all a location to host the large ETO files for the community to download. Without his help it would have made the development of ETO much more difficult.

Just as they did during WW II the Aussies have come thru for us, we could not ask or hope for a better partner and friend.

Heres to you Jay,:ernae:

Do I dare..?

Well, all right then: I'll -cough- fourth that... :rolleyes:.

But seriously, THANKS A LOT !!!
:friday:Not a drama in the world guys, too much honour really, thank you for the kind words though :faint:
Sending this morning a dvd with ETO files to an Australian Friend who has not the possibility to d/l it, a small thanks for what another Australian Friend made for all the CFS3 community.
Thanks again Jay and have always good flying.
Cris "Astore"
Yes! Thanks JayKae !

That set-up with the downloader manager that points to
the main File is the cat's a... um meow!