JBK DC-4 version 3 issue


Staff member
I upgraded my DC-4 fleet to v3 in FS9 and couldn't get them to start either from the cockpit or by control e. The engines would crank over and over but wouldn't fire. I even tried going by the checklist. Thinking it was probably a gauge issue because I couldn't get the fuel booster pumps switched on, I switched the panel back to the v2 and still no go.

As a last ditch effort, I switched the flight model back to the v2 and that solved the problem. Don't know why it would, but it did.

As I'm now running the v3 model with the v2 panel and flight model, I guess I'm at v2.5

Probably just an issue with my system as I haven't heard of anyone else having an issue with the v3 DC-4s, but if you do have this problem, this is how I "fixed" it.

Sure is nice to have the DC-4 back in action though...