Jens Heads Up

That Hythe sounds cool...had no idea of its existence. I had thought the Sandringham was a civil conversion of the Sunderland--and maybe it is. But I like the bluff front end of this Hythe; it gives it a more...rugged look.
Well enough of my to download. Thanks for the heads-up! :ernae:
Jeez! More goodies from Jens!:jump:

Jens, Thank you so much for these beauties. I just can't believe your production!:salute: So much and so fantastic! (and here I am, sweating on an Air Ceylon repaint for a triple-finned oldie *sigh*)

If anyone feels up to posting a couple of screenies of the Hythe please may I use them on the front page of the Pond? Ive got a blurb ready to put up over there , but Im at work and cant fget any screenies - as usual acknowlegments to the provider

That Hythe sounds cool...had no idea of its existence. I had thought the Sandringham was a civil conversion of the Sunderland--and maybe it is. But I like the bluff front end of this Hythe; it gives it a more...rugged look.
Well enough of my to download. Thanks for the heads-up! :ernae:
Hythe was a converted for civil use Sunderland, The Sandringham was a civil model
from the Sunderland airframe; the later Solent,also a civil model,was derived
from the Seaford airframe


If anyone feels up to posting a couple of screenies of the Hythe please may I use them on the front page of the Pond? Ive got a blurb ready to put up over there , but Im at work and cant fget any screenies - as usual acknowlegments to the provider

Here you go--hope these work for you. :)
Now all we need is a Sunderland and my collection of those big boats will be complete!

Thanks Jens!

Chris, you'll have to make do with this for now.

View attachment 4997

Thank you for your work, Jens.

I've been tinkering with an old FS2002 plane to use it in FSX and am starting to appreciate how how it takes to produce a plane.