Jet Manual Starting


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Hi everyone, congratulations for this fantastic site.

I decide to post after many searches in this forum, my apologizes in advance if I wasn't able to find the right answer. I love first jet planes, i adore them. After reading the stock manual, i'm trying to start jet planes in CFS3 as the manual recommends (of course presing "E" is not an option, i prefer manual starting), I mean, ctrl+b for batteries, throttle idle then a bit up, ctrl+s for starter and holding down some seconds just to allow the engine to spool up. Unfurtunately, nothing happens, and it's very frustrating. Could you please help me a bit? I tried to find an answer here but no joy. I'm running the stock version + firepower, and i have as well the Battle of Britain Mod installed.

Thanks in advance, and again congratulations.
Try the "mixture full rich" command, you need to get your fuel going to the engine, and that should do it.
Thankyou gecko, it worked!! It's a pleasure hearing the roar of the engine! but unfortunately this brought to me another problem, i cannot set up my quadrant properly. I have a Flight Stick X as my main joystick, with its throttle lever set as spoiler, then a TWCS Throttle as main throttle. I have as well a saitek throttle quadrant, usually set to different axis as needed (mixture, prop, cool flaps...). I was able to configure all of them except for the quadrant. At any time I try to configure it (for mixture, for example) the game "freeezes", I mean, is not completely stopped but the only working command is ctrl+f4. Even ctfl+shift+q doesn't work. Of course the keys "accept" or "Cancel" are useless, y heard the typical windows bell sound when i try to hit them with mouse. A pity, big happy for the P-80 starting, and big sad for this issue.

I guess it has to be with the .xca file, where all the keys are set up, but i'm not an expert to configure it with notepad. Guess it's too hard for me.

sixstrings5859, I love this expansion. I had then on my old rig, now i'm trying to configure (as you can see) all my old software on this new hard drive. Difficcult to configure, but i hope i'll finish it soon. Was a fantastic expansion!

Thankyou all, if anyone could help with the .xca configuration i will appreciate a lot!
Ok, i write this to help anyone with this problem, i managed to set up controls with the Korea expansion. After many many test, this is the only expansion wich allows me setting my quadrant device. So, just configure it, save your configuration.xca fil. Then, go to users-ur name-appdata-rowning-microsoft-korea cfs3 expansion (sorry, that's not the real name, i'm not in front of my pc), copy the .xca file to your combat flight simulator folder (just a bit up, same directory) and that's all. I hope it helps!
It's also good to label your specific xca file; for instance in my case CFS3_X55.xca. The make sure in game in the Options/Control Options tab that your choice xca is chosen. This way one can have several xca files for different controllers in any install.
Thanks for your advice mongoose. I usually use one of the levers for opening/closing cowl flaps, but i guess that in cfs3 this feature, although is present, has no effect on engine behaviour, am i right? So i have two throttles, dunno what to do with that lever...
Air cooled engines will have cooler cylinder head temperatures with the cowl flaps open. Liquid cooled engines unfortunately have no equivalent for the radiator shutter.