Jittery terrain??

Hey guys, so I just got the latest patches and fixes, and I've noticed something rather odd. My framerates appear to be smooth, but when I look outside from the cockpit, the terrain appears to jitter, like its having framerate issues, but everything else seems fine. Any ideas??
Might be precaching issues. They added a new option in Graphics to control the "popping" effect that users were complaining about. The default is medium, which is supposedly how caching was handled previously. Try raising that to High and see if it makes a difference.
Just tried ultra, and low, also set my detail scale to both 200 and 100 to see if that made a difference. Nothing noticeable. Is there a way I can check framerates in game?
I use the GeForce Experience overlay to get frames. It's part of the HUD function under Settings. Dev mode in the sim has the option to show frames, but it's pretty intrusive visually and shows way more info that most people really need. I'm not sure if the Xbox Game Bar has a frame display or not - never looked. There's also a Shift+Z addon at flightsim.to, but I've read accounts that say the frame count isn't always accurate.
I just checked. There is a Performance widget in the Game Bar. It shows a lot more than just frames, but it's not quite as intrusive as the dev mode display. By default, it has two dashes where frames should be. Click that and you get a message that you need advanced permissions in UAC. Click again and you'll be told to agree to UAC and then restart your rig. The widget can be pinned so that it displays even when the rest of the Game Bar isn't in use. What I like about the GeForce overlay is that the frames are just the number overlaid in whichever corner you choose. It's very unobtrusive, and you'll never really notice it until you look for it. And when you use the same GeForce Experience to take a screenshot, that frame count is not included.
I use the GeForce Experience overlay to get frames. It's part of the HUD function under Settings. Dev mode in the sim has the option to show frames, but it's pretty intrusive visually and shows way more info that most people really need. I'm not sure if the Xbox Game Bar has a frame display or not - never looked. There's also a Shift+Z addon at flightsim.to, but I've read accounts that say the frame count isn't always accurate.

My shift+z stopped working about a week b/4 WU6 and after. Shift+z was giving similar counts to MSI's Afterburner at 30fps limit , but not at 60 fps limit.
GREAT NEWS!! Ok, so I mostly fixed this, I turned off Vsync, set my terrain scaling to 100%, my caching to ultra, and it got rid of 95% of the stutters!!