
Killer Svend

Hello guyes
I am back for a while,after playing around with cfs2 long time, but now back to the "roots". I downloaded and installed jm_bob_Hurricane and the JM_bob_spitfire . Stared the Hurricane and flow the first mission Ok, would fly second, got the message:Error loading mission file,either mission file is corrupt or formatted improperly. No problem with the spitfire (sofar!!!!!) anyone have an idea what could be wrong
Killer Svend:wavey:
for starters, where did you download the jm_bob_Hurricane?

to answer my own question,
the campaign is in the Warbirds Library.
second download from the bottom,
but, the "BoB hurricane- and spitfire experiences"
called for are not.
i have no clue where to find them.

to answer your question, generally,
mission error messages are caused
by a missing or misnamed scenery object,
or an aircraft called in the mission,
but, not installed on your machine.
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I downloaded the campaigns from Simviation,but I forgot to read the instruction for installation (allways do!!!) Installed the missing Blenheim MkIV and voila- problem solved. thank you for assistance.
Killer Svend:applause:
Hello Gentlemen,

I also did some poking around with some of these campaigns after the recent posts.
From what I can tell, it appears that they are intended to ALL be installed because some of them seem to contain aeroplanes called for by other campaigns.

I am always looking for new models. Are there any unusual or particularly good models to be found in these campaigns?
I tried loading a couple of the aeroplanes and so far, my success rate in getting them to work is pretty low at about 50%.

- Ivan.