
No the REAL John is looking for the Beaufighter NF!:wavey: but come to think of it, any TOW variety would be good!:jump:
John1 John2 and John3

Well, all the models are about in the same state. The beaus are closest I guess. We'll see.
I have three beaus just about ready to ship to you for final touches. The pits really need a once over in my opinion. I checked on the dihedral tailfins and all I could find was a bit saying that the mkii were mixed beginning in January '42 an most were dihedral after that. So do you want a mkii with the 12 degree fins?

If it's not a lot of work Ted yes, just gives a lot more scope skin wise!

Yea I'll look at the pit, see what needs doing. :untroubled:
I assume all going strong on the Beau and Manchester; among others? I hope there haven't been too many distractions, some I acknowledge as my fault.:wiggle:
So far

The Beau's are out getting packaged and the Manchester making some LOD's and waiting for some literature to make sure the model is accurate in other areas.
Dan has got his hands full with the new Spitfire, so we gave him a break on these two models, of coarse if he wants to do something in the future!:biggrin-new:

Rob's been very busy with real life lately, but he's told me he will be working on the Beaufighter very soon!

Both are excellent models from Ted, well worth waiting for!
Certainly willing to work it in guys, just let me know. Custom effects, sounds, special animations, manuals, etc.
Look what Ted sent me. More to come too!:encouragement:

Terrific! Haven't even seen a decent photo of one..that's not a retractable upper turret (the straight back of it), or is this a stupid comment? :)
No not retractable, but they were removed on a lot of MKI's because they caused a lot of buffeting, and actually twisted the rear fuselage structure!
Thanks! Sounds like a good design lol, guess there wasn't much time for testing during the design phase back then.Old addage if it looks right etc..