Joy Stick Settings?


Charter Member
I seem to be constantly struggling to find the optimum sensitivity and dead zone for my Saitek X-55. I get it kinda right for one aircraft and it's totally out for another. Does anyone have setting for the Rhino that works for them, or any other Stick/Hotas for that matter?

I seem to be constantly struggling to find the optimum sensitivity and dead zone for my Saitek X-55. I get it kinda right for one aircraft and it's totally out for another. Does anyone have setting for the Rhino that works for them, or any other Stick/Hotas for that matter?


I purchased a copy of FSUIPC and the joystick sensitivity and calibration works perfectly as do all the controls. I was having issues using the controls in P3DV3.1. Now everything worlds perfectly
I use the Warthog HOTAS stick

BTW- There are many more commands in FSUIPC then the stock P3D in-game control offers
To me it is well worth the $$ spent...

Just a suggestion

Thanks Rick, I do have FSUIPC but I've never been able to get satisfactory settings with that either, maybe it's just me!
