Joystick buttons

I have to assume the game developers chose not to recognize joystick buttons.
I've experienced this same issue with IL-2 1946.
Only my stick alone is recognized and functions properly.
I can't get my trigger/button 1 to be recognized but I can fire guns and cannons with my keyboard.
This sukx.
I've tried to activate other buttons but they are recognized wrong, like choosing button 7 for flaps will
be recognized by the game options as button 6 etc.
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. Yes, it is positively calibrated.
Absolutely not fun at all.
At default none of my axis and buttons worked.

I had to assign everything manually.

I have an Saitek CyborgX twisty stick and all of the buttons and axis work fine after they were programmed.

Once I created my assignments I saved the profile as a backup.
Allow me to REPEAT myself.
As I already said, "
I've tried to activate other buttons but they are recognized wrong, like choosing button 7 for flaps will be recognized by the game options as button 6 etc."
In other words, the game only recognizes my stick correctly (I'd like to raise my voice here so I am heard but I'd be accused of yelling) but the game incorrectly recognizes my buttons so I can't use any buttons and I can't use the trigger on the stick to fire.
Oh the joy of firing my guns with the space bar, and I paid full price for this. :gameoff:
I just programed my msff2 and had no problems. I also programed my keyboard for all the other aircraft functions like brakes ,flaps, supercharger, etc. vista 64bit is my os.
I can't use any buttons and I can't use the trigger on the stick to fire.

so you have been to this menu option and manually assigned the keys to fire the guns?
Not sure about this, but am I right that things will only happen when in normal cockpit view, with autopilot off? I don't think you can press a key and watch, say, the canopy opening or the undercarriage retracting from outside. Not without changing views, anyway
so you have been to this menu option and manually assigned the keys to fire the guns?

Yes, this is the menu options I have tried to use but, again, when I manually assign buttons, like for instance,
when I assign button 1 on my Extreme 3D Pro joystick to fire guns, the menu assigns button 0.
The joystick has 12 buttons. When I assign button 12 for Pause, the menu shows button 11, NOT 12!
On the keyboard, when I assign backslash as an option, the game menu shows that I chose Close Bracket.
They were programming this game for 6 years? They must have been guzzling vodka most of the time.

They, the game developers, worry about piracy (stealing) and have laws protecting them
but who is to protect the consumer, like me, who never knew this game would be as it is and can't return it
anywhere so I an stuck with it and actually have been stolen from
and piracy laws go on protecting the seller and all the buyers accept this with no protection laws of their own.
Just out of curiosity have you tried the buttons you set in game? Going on a hunch here as some games identify joystick buttons starting at 0 and some starting at 1. So what may well be button 1 in the windows control manager could be regarded as button 0 in game, same button, different name if you get my meaning?
No, I haven't tried flying yet.
What other game do you know of that recognizes the Extreme 3D Pro buttons incorrectly and
what other game do you know of that recognizes the keyboard keys incorrectly, as CoD does both?
Just askin'.
I don't have the patience to tolerate these kinds of conflicts with a game so,
before I get further stresses, I leave and go play any other game that performs correctly.
At the moment I'm interested specifically in MLB 2k11,
Fantastic! :applause:
Hey richcreator I have just run a quick check in some of my sims, these are my results for the trigger on my HOTAS Warthog stick:

Title:_____________________________Joystick Trigger recognised as:
Windows Game Controller Settings_____Button 1
Flight Simulator X___________________Button 1
Rise of Flight_______________________Button 0
DCS A-10C________________________Button 1
IL2: Cliffs of Dover__________________Button 0

It seems to be just a naming convention within the game, the developers of Cliffs of Dover, and Rise of Flight, have chosen to have the game recognise the first button on the joystick as Button 0, whereas the more usual standard seems to be Button 1. I would suspect that if you were to jump into the game with Fire Guns assigned to Button 0 then it will work fine. So really it's just the game calling what we normally regard as Button 1 Button 0 and so all the button numbers appear to be out by 1, they will still work fine whichever physical button you push when assigning the functions will be the one that performs that function in game.

Hope you can get flying soon!
. . . . . . . . . .
It seems to be just a naming convention within the game, the developers of Cliffs of Dover, and Rise of Flight, have chosen to have the game recognise . . . . . . . .

Just a naming convention? A convention is a formula normal pattern, rule, . . . .
I call it a naming screwup in both the joystick and keyboard in a newly released game. :angryfir: