Joystick Help


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I just gotta ask this! I use a saitek x52 and can't weem to control my airplane. I can in cfs3 but not in off2. At altitude I twist and go straight down. I know that ww1 aircraft didn't have any trim. I'm a little lost. Can anyone help?
If you mean you fly along fine, then suddenly go out of control, stay out of heavy or tall clouds. That's the strong up and down turbulence inside some clouds blowing your little light weight a/c around.
Pesonally, I think it ridiculous to fly a Sopwith with a HOTAS but be that as it may

Check in Control Options. .The configuration MUST say MINE Period

Also Fly with Float view (Shift + F6) so you can see what control surfaces move when ... so you know which offending Axis needs work in control options
Might not hurt to read the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats, lots of good intel.

I've been told, I should provide a link, but pardon me, I think you know How to find it.
SFC Dave,

I have an X52, and I do not have your problem. You may be flying close to stall speed and any rudder input is causing the spin/dive. Also, you can adjust your mixture to get a few more RPM's out of the engine. At altitude you will need to lean your mixture and you can run richer at lower altitudes. I have found it is very easy to lose speed at the higher altitudes so you will find pitch is almost as deadly as rudder input. Also, with a twist stick it is easy to add pitch, and roll while trying to control the rudder.

Most WWI Birds operated above 80% throttle all the time, some wide open.

Anytime you fly above 5,000 you'll need to adjust your mixture, for Max RPM is you find it a pain ( I do ) you can select Auto Mixture in Workshop

Cruising at say 75% throttle at altitude, with an improper mixture, the slightest thing could cause you to stall, and nosedive uncontrollably, and of course the X52 provides No Warning
Pesonally, I think it ridiculous to fly a Sopwith with a HOTAS but be that as it may

Gimpy - We've gone thru all this before- But the fact is that that is his joystick, and that's it!!- Blimey, is he supposed to go and get another joystick for OFF, to avoid your unsolicited jibe?
Leave off with the put-downs.
Gimpy - We've gone thru all this before- But the fact is that that is his joystick, and that's it!!- Blimey, is he supposed to go and get another joystick for OFF, to avoid your unsolicited jibe?
Leave off with the put-downs.

Sorry I shall never tailor my opinions to the accepted norm. I have my way of doing business, and that's that. Nowhere did I say, he should drop everything, and run out a buy FFB stick. You appear to see what you want to see.

That plus if you've never been exposed to something, you'd never know it existed, now would you. Many a virtual pilot has flown for years, and has only now purchased Trackir because off OFF

While I'm on the subject, $60 for a Saitek Cyclone EVO FFB doesn't sound all that bad. Who knows. . He might like feeling the pulse of a firing Machine Gun, and when returning to FSX, he could return to the X52. I do believe one could leave Both hooked up ( never lose programming ) and select the controller used, in control panel. :kilroy:
Thanks to all. I fly off to relax I am studying for my doctorite in Bible Thelogy and when I want to try and relax my mind I try to fly and have fun and enjoy this sim. I just needed a little help. Thanks again.

I too have the X52, Have had mine for a couple of years now.
You might want to check your sensitivity settings in control options
if it seems your plane snaps out of control when you move the stick.
Try moving your sliders down.
Fire up the game, open the options tab, click control options, click on the sensitivities tab , and try moving them down a bit.
Hope this helps :ernae: