Joystick & Keyboard mapping



Would anyone like to share their favorite keyboard and joystick button re-mapping for OFF3? I'm sure it would be of interest to newbee's to know what key and button rearrangement works well in the heat of combat. I have a particular interest in remapping the buttons for the Cyborg EVO force joystick. Thanks :gossip:
I want to map my stick but don't know how? Saitek ST290 Pro. Any help? Thread? Post? I can hear Gimpy now... doesn't anybody read anymore... YES, I am an idiot :wiggle:

Sorry Toad, I should have started another thread maybe
I use a Saitek X52 so I have a buttload of buttons to choose from, but I'm one of the poor unfortunates that doesn't have a TrackIR (yet!), so I use buttons to control views. I have the eyepoint movements mapped to a hat on the stick. This lets me see easily over the cowling for takeoff/landing and over the side while flying. The Next Enemy and Padlock views I have mapped to some throttle buttons. This helps TREMENDOUSLY with situational awareness during a fight in absence of TIR.

As for the actual mapping, I don't use the Saitek SST software as I have always had problems with it. I just use the in-game utility. If you hit Esc while flying, a menu drops down from the upper right. Choose the Controller option and you can assign any button or key to all the various inputs. Look at the options carefully, as there are dropdown menus in this screen as well.

Thanks Zommoz. It will be a good step for me to do this. I can really see the need for trackir now.
As for the actual mapping, I don't use the Saitek SST software as I have always had problems with it. I just use the in-game utility. If you hit Esc while flying, a menu drops down from the upper right. Choose the Controller option and you can assign any button or key to all the various inputs. Look at the options carefully, as there are dropdown menus in this screen as well.

Well it does my heart good to hear somebody else, who thinks the SST is a load of:bs:. I was afraid I was the only one

Trackir is a neccesity

My suggestion to any Newbie seeking joystick Keys
Check-out the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats on what is Now, the old Forum

Lots of good info, including a list of Keys used in OFF
It was written prior to the release of Phase 3 BHAH, but most of the goodies still apply :kilroy:
I use a Saitek X45 and the Saitek programming software, which I've never had a problem with since Saitek junked that silly 3D view of the stick it had orginally.

First thing I did was go through the whole commands list and delete all the ones that will never be used in OFF. Having done that, I freed up enough stuff to make single key commands out of all the important stuff. Then I programmed them onto my X45.

For them as don't know, the X45 consists of the following:
Joystick (right hand):
  • trigger
  • 2 hat switches on top (worked by thumb)
  • 3 buttons on top (worked by thumb)
  • 1 button on top front (worked by pointer finger)
  • 1 button at bottom (worked by pinky)
Throttle (left hand):
  • 1 hat on front (worked by pointer finger)
  • 1 rotary knob on front (worked by pointer finger)
  • 1 3-position slider switch on end (worked by thumb)
  • 1 big button on end (worked by thumb)
  • 1 3-position mode switch on end (worked by thumb)
  • 1 hat on end (worked by thumb)
  • 1 small button on end (worked by thumb)
  • 1 rotary on end (worked by thumb)
  • 1 rocker bar on lower side for rudder control (worked by middle and ring fingers)
The mode switch allows all other buttons, hats, and rotaries to have 3 different commands mapped to them, 1 for each position of the mode switch. Everything can be programmed to have axis, single keys, macros, or even control the mouse cursor and mouse click, and can do different of these things in different modes. Because WW1 planes have few commands, this is way more capability than I need for this game :).
Joystick Programming:
  • Trigger: fire guns
  • Lower Hat (8-way): left at default for POV, which gives the snap views in all directions at your own level.
  • Upper Hat (4-way): Up/Down = elevator trim. Left/Right = rudder trim.
  • Button A (on top): Toggle to switch lower hat into panning view mode.
  • Button B (on top): Select ordnance
  • Button Launch (on top): Drop/fire ordnance
  • Button C (on front at top): Toggle padlock view mode
  • Pinky: Toggle label types
Throttle Programming
  • Front Hat (4-way): Up = toggle Tac, down = toggle map, left/right = zoom in/out
  • End Hat Mode 1 (4-way): Up/Down = next/previous enemy. Left/right = next/previous friend.
  • End hat Mode 2 (4-way): Wingman orders
  • Button D (big end button): Cycle Tac display mode
  • Small End Button: Take screenshot
  • 3-position Switch: Left/right = aileron trim, center = nothing
  • End Rotary: Elevator trim (only trim that can be put on an axis)
  • Front Rotary: not used
I want to map my stick but don't know how? Saitek ST290 Pro. Any help? Thread? Post? I can hear Gimpy now...doesn't anybody read anymore... YES, I am an idiot :wiggle:

Not from me . . I had to promise Winding Man, I'd be a good boy

Aside from not using that SST which I gave up on. It's easier to have your joystick digest single keystroke commands, than 3 keystroke Macros

There are many keys which are not used in OFF, which are just wasted
F & V control the Flaps you don't have
B is the Brakes you don't have
G your landing gear doesn't move
If I remember, there's nine of them ( without getting creative)

Go into Workshop / CFS3 QC /Go to Field / Hanger / Controls

Configuration must be .... MINE

Upper Left should say ....All Commands

Pick out something and highlight it

Press Delete assignment ( the function remains, the key vanishes)

Press Add Asignment ( a window appears, and asks you what key or joystick button )

I found it always works best to make it single key First/ Exit/ go back in and move it to the joystick

Problem will be- When you Don't use the SST which Sucks anyway, you only get one move out of the Hat Switch ( POV 1) which is fine if you use Trackir, because you just assign it to Virtual Cockpit. And the Trackir takes over, until you get a Tracker, you'll have one view forward, and you'll see your gunsites, but that's it

Extreme Tunnel Vision, you'll be totally blind on both sides :kilroy:
Odd problem - mapping works, TrackIR is inop. It worked in Phase 1&2, so I must be doing something wrong.
I'd redo the Virtual Cockpit to one of your buttons, if does work with trackir it's your joystick. If it doesn't try this:

if that don't help: try unplugging & plugging in the USB

if that don't help: take up knitting :sheep::sheep::sheep:
I have a Logitech Force 3D Pro, as well as TrackIR. I'm new to OFF, not having flown P1 or P2 beyond testing the latter last month & discovering my old PC wouldn't run it.

So I'd love to hear what other Logitech F3DP users have done with their sticks. For myself, well, I haven't flown a flight sim since RB3D nearly a decade ago, so I'm still very much a newbie myself, still tinkering with the stick setup. But for what it's worth, here's what I have so far...

With the Logitech F3DP you can assign new functions to all 8 POV hat positions. As Gimpy suggested, I've mapped POV North to "Virtual Cockpit". I've also mapped POV South to "Player/Target View" (which latter had to be "assigned" in P3 itself, I reassigned one of Gimpy's useless CFS3 keystrokes). The other six POV settings are still "in reserve".

Other than POV, the Logitech F3DP has 12 buttons & a throttle. Button 1 is the index-finger trigger, B2 is high on the left side of the stick, B3 thru B6 are clustered on top around the POV hat, and B7-B12 are grouped around the stick's left base-side. Throttle is front & center on the base. My current assignments:

B1 = Trigger (fire MG(s)
B2 = Center TrackIR View (F12)
B3 = Pause Game (P)
B4 = Map (M)
B5 = Next Target (Tab)
B6 = Next Friend (Ctrl-Tab)
B7 = Display Co-Ordinates (Z)
B8 = Idle Cutoff (Ctrl-Shft-F6)
B9 = Tac Display Mode (T)
B10 = Tac Display Toggle (Shift-T)
B11 = Cockpit Toggle (F3)
B12 = Enemy Cone Toggle (I)

Though I aspire to fly immersed one day, right now I still use some tricks like the target cone/Tac display etc to help me "learn the ropes".

Also, any P3/CFS3 keystroke combo which begins with the "Shift" key interferes with the F3DP's "shift function" (for which I can find no explanation), so I've had to re-assign some of those keystroke combos in P3 itself.
First off I must assume you only intend to fly a German aircraft, because while most of them have twin guns, they can't Load-Out with Rockets or Bombs. Which you have allowed no buttons for their use.

Next in Line is that hat switch, it features 8 positions, for utilization by people who don't have Trackir. POV 1, POV 2, POV 3, etc, etc, etc

In order to avoid confusion, we'll only use 4, and speak of them as compass points here.

South = (Virtual Cockpit) as yet unassigned in Controls. It's where your Trackir proves it's worth

North = ( Float View) your view of your entire exterior, very useful when checking for battle damage, also Great for Shooting Rockets

East = ( Weapon View) Actually puts a camera on your Rockets or Bombs, as they do their thing. Problem is you pointed your nose down, when you fired your Rockets, or You played Dive Bomber, and your still moving. While it's great to see your weapons hit their mark. You tend to Kill Yourself, if you're not carefull

West = ( Trackir Centering F12 ) While you're new, it'll come in handy. You'll get used to it, everybody does

To be continued: Must attend a Superbowl Party, at MY Home :kilroy:
1 = Trigger
2 = Fire secondary Weapon...Rocket/Bomb..........Enter
You want controls on the top of the stick, that you can instantly use

3 = TAC Screen ........ Shift+T .. To instantly check for enemy, and are you on course
( drag screen to lower left corner)
4 = Labels .....Cntrl+Shift+L . . check and see what is, also points out RR yards real good from 8000 feet up
5 = Mixture Idle Cutoff...Ctrl+Shft+F6 you want to KILL your engine the second you land
6 = HUD ...F5 features a digital fuel gauge, plus the ONLY Ammo counter in the came. Unfortunately it also features 5 immersion killing gauges
They can be jettisoned
The remaining 6 are important but only the select Weapon is needed on the stick
7 = Cycle TAC Targets ... T
8 = Start ......E
9 = Select Weapon ........Backspace
10 = FPS and position coordinates...Z
11 = WARP .......X
12 = Cancel WARP..........Ctrl+X
Also suggest you check-out the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats ... to be found on the old OFF Forum
Among the useful info, is a complete list of the commands used in OFF :kilroy: