Joystick not being completely recognized by FS9


Charter Member
I have a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick that up to today has been function flawlessly in both FS9 and FSX.

Today while in one of my FS9 installations the joystick only provided partial input for control; buttons assigned to the wing flaps and landing gear worked, but I have lost all view control, internal and external, through my hat switch plus the sim is ignoring throttle input as well. I've tried using the assignment function to reinstall these functions; I noted the wing flap up/down joystick commands were missing from the assignments, and was able to add them, after which they worked fine. I also calibrated the joystick twice. The assignments function in the FS9 setup allows use of F1 through F4 for adding or coming back on engine power, but there is nothing I can see that provides the joystick slider as a control for both. It's possible to select the slider for adding or taking off power, but you can select only one of those at a time. Choosing the slider to perform the opposite function results in losing the original function selected.

Is there a problem with this joystick - or am I missing something in my setup that's staring me in the face?
The first question is whether or not it's in one installation or all of them. If it's just one, then try copying the joystick section(s) from a known good installation's fs9.cfg to the one with the issues. Otherwise, the slider commands should be located as shown...


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I'll check that, Tom. Thanks for the tip.

On another thread in this site, one of the contributors answering a question about why it's possible to set up a cold and dark cockpit as normal start conditions in one of the sims (can't remember which) and to have another aircraft, selected to take the place of the one that has the cold & dark cockpit, begin its flight with engine(s) running, lights on, etc, said he just couldn't think of the reason why that happens, only that it does.

Today I went back into that same sim I had this issue with, and something made me wipe everything off in the "assignments" section, and re-do all the keyboard/joystick button assignments to where they had been before this issue arose. Everything now works fine.

What caused the sim to "dump" or make haywire the keyboard/button assignments I had previously assigned? I have no idea. I just know that it happens.

At any rate, things are back to normal. As I said, I am going to save your advice via screenshot and hold it in reserve should this occur again.