joysticks.. again? the MSFFB2.. why doesnt it work.....



OK I appologise.. but I cant go on .. flaccid stick disease has got me..
I gotta buy a new one.. but the last on topic thread's gone ..:banghead:

So I remember someone saying that the Saitek Cyborg Evoforce pro feedback etc.. was used by the DEVS (ooo!).. Is that right?

Has anyone got one? can anyone tell me whether its possible to trim the plane and fly hands off with it.. does it (in OFF) return to 'zero'if you give it a little displacement.. If you take your hand off it does it fall to one side? and start diving the plane?

:ernae: Once this is sorted I'll shut up I promise.. honest.. except..
I've now got a stack of 10 photos of dead pilots all with my dad's name .. How do I delete them .. He's haunting me!
All my pilots have been philosophers, Thomas Hobbes has been reborn several times but Schopenhauer is resting in peace, for now.

I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo Force, it seems fine. It was an impulse buy at Overclockers , I bought it for my son who had been making an attempt to resurect IL2 but the Logitec force we had was dismal so I thought I'd give the Saitek a go.

I don't think FF is that good in OFF but it was unflyable with Logi stick.

Son said "Are there any WW1 sims" I said I'd look and here I am.
Forgot to answer the questions:redf:.

It does return to centre well and I can fly hands off, within reason, depending what you're flying.
if you get a Saitek, get the one with a spring (Cyborg evo force), so even without force feedback there will be good control.

If you'd have an older ForceFeedback without spring from Saitek like me, the stick can be a bit wishy-washy with FFB turned of. The then simulated spring by the electric motors is somehow getting softer after some time.

Have you looked for CH ones ?

Thanks SabreRattler (?) .. I'll get one ...

Philosophers hey.. I did a degree in that.. So how do you bury them? does one have to go into the bowels of the library folder space to put them in the recycle bin..
if you get a Saitek, get the one with a spring (Cyborg evo force), so even without force feedback there will be good control.
:wiggle: thats what I want to hear..

Have you looked for CH ones ?


Hey ho Catfish... Nice name ..

I thought the CH stick didnt use FFB , just return to centre.. Thats what I use generally.. BUT for reasons I dont understand the MSFFB2 wont do it in OFF .. it does it in CFS3 but.. Anyway I've been seduced by Gimpy and all his stuff about real men using the FFB to ruin their chances of shooting down the enemy so.. I'll give it a whirl and waggle about ..
:ernae: this is a rewrite.. what happened?
i really cannot understand why a MS FFB 2 would not work in OFF - are you sure you have the most recent drivers installed ? Did you adjust the axis values somehow in your settings file (accessed through Esc - controls in the game during flight, or at the aerodrome) ?

There are also adjustments possible to adjust the js`s dead center, and how large this center"field" is (= sensitivity).

The planes in OFF will never fly straight and level without a bit input - the rotary engines try to turn the plane, and the inline engines (especially the D VII) have some torque, too - and this is simulated well in OFF.


"Catfish" comes from my more than 10-year-membership at (submarines and such), but also when flying Red Baron online, i mostly went down close above the ground to finish my adversaries off - then someone complained that "Catfish are supposed to be bottom feeding" , and the name stuck.:d
I use a Micky soft FFB2 in OFF and it works just great.

I crash of course, frequently in fact, but it works great!

seems there is still something flawed with this forum - in my last post there is a message "last edited by Gnoopey, reasons: Typo", but it is indeed what I wrote ... Huh ?

Beach, Beach, Beach. . . the price is right :costumes::costumes::costumes:


What do you want for Free :d
Ok Catfish and Wildfowler(? )
My problem is : I can set up everything for the MSFFB2 using Microsoft Sidewinder 4.0 ie the dead zone and the strength of the 'response' to FFB and the strength of the return to centre..
This works fine FSX (turn off FFB) Xplane.. IL2 and CFS3 (turn off FFB)..
I guess the joystick is simply using the return to centre.. it doesnt jump about and get excited if I hit the ground..

AND for the first few goes in OFF thats what I did. Turned FFB off and warmed up the MS Sidewinder soft ware.. Then I did this from the Esc-Controls route.. and lo things hung up.. the computer refused to respond.. and I had to kick start it!!!:wiggle:
It seems that when I start the OFF code the previous settings on the stick are overwritten with FLACCID :banghead:

Any help welcome..
And now..

So Wildfowler I'd be really grateful if you could tell me your procedure..
The Best, and the easiest to use

OK, for Parky, I'll mention the MSFFB Red edition. A brute, with longevity. However, I like it a little easier to use and something with a smaller hand grip, and not too much, or too little spring. The Seitech X 52 give you a separate throttle, which you can use to cut your gas flow too, and of course, you see the pilots left hand on it in the cockpit of the OFF aircraft, and the Joystick, which has about 12 programable settings. Thing's that I add are pause, map,AI rejoin, AI attack, TIR Centre, Auto start, etc. It is great, don't know how long it will last, but Polovski uses a Seitech:d


Whats your point?
And what is free ??

I merely point out: Don't sweat the small things, as long as the Large things are correct

Nothing is FREE, depending on how involved, you wish to make the conversation. But without digging very deeply SOH is FREE to you and I.

Only two things are sure in this life: Death and Taxes, both of which we have minor control over :wavey:
I merely point out: Don't sweat the small things, as long as the Large things are correct

Nothing is FREE, depending on how involved, you wish to make the conversation. But without digging very deeply SOH is FREE to you and I.

Only two things are sure in this life: Death and Taxes, both of which we have minor control over :wavey:

Sorry Gimpy but..

1) my 'joystick' is spoiling my enjoyment of OFF and I am hoping that some one has found a way of getting MSFFB2 to take the external calibration and settings into the OFF context


2) As I understand it OFF is FREE.. However it only costs you nothing if you choose not to donate. Be assured Gimpy, if it is any concern of yours, OFF has cost more than CFS3.

And although worth every penny I paid for OFF, the bloody joystick coupling to the control surfaces is pretty awful on all the planes I've flown... :173go1: but then I suppose this is aweakness of all game-sims isnt it? :d
Well as we all know, a simulation is just that.

Actual Aircraft in 1917 might have suffered from a terminal case of Limp Noodle.

VERY Few actual Pilots exist . . ( However clic on credits and sit back )

Your Joystick could be Long in the Tooth, as you seem to be the only one complaining of such a problem :kilroy:

I agree this is getting tedious Gimpy BUT..there is something to say..

1) Yeates author of Winged Victory.. mentions how the Camel stick/controls become limp at altitude.. the implication being that they are not normally so! ie below 10,000 ..

2) It's a standard 'flying instruction demonstation' to show that as one gets close to the stall, the controls go limp.. and less responsive... feeling just like they do in simspace. This is not how they normally feel and certainly not coming in on final...

3) I expect that one of the difficulties in simspace is that unless 'they' are using a 'realistic' flight model which calculates the forces on the control surfaces the 'force feedback' from control input, if present at all is simply notional.. and in which case I suspect the better realism is obtained by using something as in CH sticks (no ffb) (or IL2) where you can 'program' the shape of the profile to your taste ... I know nothing about the physics of the flight model used by OFF .. or whether they even calculate the control forces.. it may be done entirely kinetically ... but I do know that with my current set up it feels totally unrealistic.. YUK
4) X-plane for example calculate the control forces using 'standard' aeronautics models.. tick by tick.. Is real ? no...its a sim.. but.. Is it fun? not as much as OFF.. but maybe it's a bit more like flying light aircraft...

So at the moment I dont know whether its my stick/set up which is BAD or the OFF flight model, or both.. :wiggle: enough now said I think..