I've never seen one, we have a 388 (NF Variant) but that's it.
I always thought the 188 had a pretty cool look to it, but I suppose I'm in the minority. I love all that glazing around the cockpit.
We're a minority of two by the looks of it. Waaaay back I had the Matchbox Ju 188A-1, kinda cool although those transparencies were a pita when it came to painting.![]()
Make that three, I think it looks better than the original 88, nothing ugly about it at all!
As a stop gap I am going to bastardize Ted's TK_Junkers_JU388J-1 to a ai_TOW_JU388as188.I feel that I should cut out several guns, including the schragemusik. Does anyone know the actual gun layout for the 188 and bomb load(s)?
The cockpit is very similar to the 388 other than the dorsal turret. Who knows when I have time or get bored with the other stuff I am doing.....
John, if by chance one appears, are you saying you'll paint it?
I have the wings from the 388, will need to make the vertical and larger horizontals for the G series anyway....the revised canopy is just a modification of the original one...... just saying