Ju-87G-2 problem ?


Charter Member
Been having this problem for years with the Ju-87G-2 not having cannon sounds. Can anyone help me find out how to fix this problem ? Here's a image of aircraft :
Thanks for any help , Scott
Hi Scott, the gun sounds are specified in the gun xdp file. (eg. c303, c50 etc.) The actual wav file is specified in the sounds.xml, where you should check that your gun has an external sound wav file specified as well as an internal sound file. Also perhaps check attenuation level.
I don't have that particular aircraft, so I don't know what gun it's set up with. What gun is it referencing for the cannon?

Find that xdp file in the Guns folder and then edit the SoundName reference to whatever SoundName="c##" you like in the sounds.xml.
c37_land = ai_37guna.wav, or c127_land = ai_127guna.wav.

Or create your own C## entry in the sounds.xml for these sound files that don't appear to be referenced anywhere.

Or, you could try using,

AvHistory_gr_gun_Bk3_7-flak18 that references sound c75 for a bigger cannon sound


The sound.xml has
<sound file="xgun_75mm.wav" fileInt="gun_75mm.wav" Looping="No"/>
Strange thing is that the Stuka uses the 37mm_gun. Checked gun xdp and it shows c37_land. Sound xml shows ai_37guna.wav which is also present. Maybe i can experiment and see if i can get something to work. Thanks Major for the help. It points me in the right direction. Regards,Scott
Going to try the second option as all things have checked out so far. Only aircraft i ever had a issue that stumped a lot of people for years,so i just gave up. Thanks Major for your time. Regards,Scott