Well, let me try to give a hand:
- Flugbahn - the way the ac will fly - Flugzeuglängsachse - ac length axis
- Bombenbahn - course of the bomb - Auslösepunkt - release point (for the bomb)
- Kursebene - somewhat like flight direction - Lotrichtung - straight down
- Visierlinie - line of sight --- Visierlängs - should be Kursebene
- "Ziel in Deckung mit Abkommarke" - target just in the point of the "Abkommarke" (This ist a technical term I can´t translate, but it seems to me to be the decisive -maybe moving- point for pushing the trigger when marking the target. (Hope this English wasn´t too bad.)
- Schußkreis - well ,you know your sights ... - etwa - about
- Visierwinkel - ankle of the sight
- BZA - another technical term "Bombenzielanlage" or "-apparat" should make sense, which is like "bomb aiming device"
There is no information about speed, altitude or diving ankle!
Gute Jagd und Hals und Beinbruch!
yours wolfger