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    Library How to

Jump Ramp Teaser ! ! !


Charter Member
Hi Good people,

Something different for FS2004 is coming your way - Working Jump Ramps.

Not sure if this has ever been done before, but the Ford Project Team is about to release a bit of scenery that includes a bucket of jump ramps for your flying fun.

There are eleven different jumps within the scenery package - from slight to very steep........




I am having great fun testing this scenery with a wide range of aircraft as I work on the refinements.

In Final Tweaking mode now and should be available very soon...........


Your Ford Project Team
Garry, Now I realise why you guys were so quiet..
This looks such fun. I cannot wait.
(Mmmm, might just be fun to try it with a car or bike? A new spot landing competition comes to mind)
This looks amazing and extremely promising, Another great Ford scenery !

Can't wait for it


I know there were a handful of sceneries that "defied" the FS barrier to sloped runways but I don't know how it was done. Not only does this look like great fun but could it lead to a new series of, say, sloped bush strips found the world over? Can't wait to play here, thanks a million!
Hi All,

Glad you like the ideas in this scenery pack :wiggle:
I am having a ball - Got a B17 to fly from the big ski slope and got a MirageIII to leap successfully from the largest angle ramp :wavey:

However it can be a bit bumpy on the ski jump ramps sometimes for the bigger aircraft with a larger footprint on the ground - having front and back wheels on two different angles causes a bit of a jump - but all manageable and adds to the fun.

Took quit a long time to get this concept working within FS2004 - have tinkered on and off unsuccessfully over the years - but this time I decided I was going to beat the concept - so it was head down and keep experimenting until I got it to work for a small platform - then expanded out from there.

Then, as I always do - I went overboard for this fun project and built in a large batch of different types of jumps..:encouragement:

For aeromed202 - I think the concept that I have now nutted out could be easily used to create angled runways on hillsides - will have to tinker with that idea for use in some future scenery.


Thanks so much for making or FS2004 such fun!
Talking about things fictitious.... I remember in the very early day, there was a guy, Andy Johnson (not sure of the spelling) (he is still around), that did a house that you could fly in & check out the different rooms, & he also did a twisted roller coaster type tunnel to fly through.
Try setting the season to hard winter, covering everything with snow. As your flyable aircraft, select the skier from Bill Lyons' Classic Sportsman package.

Wheeeee!!!!!!!!!! :adoration:
I know what you mean about the bumps. There is an assault ship type of scenery, can't recall the name but can find it, that incorporated a jump ramp. It works well enough with Harriers but the pilot still gets a kick in the butt. I guessed it was because of too few flat angled planes, similar to drawing a circle out of straight segments, more segments makes a smoother circle. Anyhow, cheers to you and anyone else involved with this breakthrough:biggrin-new: I mentioned bush strips because I became interested with MAF and the places they drop in on and right away thought how challenging it would be to fly their routes.
Now available

Hi Good People,

The Fun JUMP Scenery Package is now available at the Ford-Tri Motor Project web site.

It is a very busy group of fun stuff packed into a very small area.


Where do you get it !!!!! - from the Scenery Page at the Ford Tri-Motor Project Web site

Or you can just click on this link to go straight there: http://www.ford-tri-motor.net/scenery.htm

You will find the Ford-Timor scenery pack near the bottom of the page.

If you like it then spread the word about it to other happy simmers.

Regards and happy Simming from the Ford Tri-Motor Project Team
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It looks like I'll have to wait a bit for this one. I have a huge mesh issue there and so far can't figure what's causing it.
What a fantastic idea and scenery. Thanks for sharing your work. I don't have FS9 but I would love to try this scenery out in FSX. It looks like a blast.

Aeromed202, I also had a mesh issue with the Ford scenery. As soon as I took out my 3rd party mesh, all was ok.
Maybe there is one I can't account for because it was still a mess after turning off Rhumby's mesh. That is the only global one I know of on my set.
Sorry to hear that some of you are having a MESH problem - I intentionally chose a global location for this scenery that would be way out of the normal areas that other might have "tinkered with".

I keep my FS2004 fairly clean, other than the Ford Tri-Motor scenery packs - no other third party stuff.

Only by doing that can I be sure that what I do should works correctly within the Default FS2004 environment.

Though many of the "mesh" enhancements products add some great enrichments and enhancements for the FS2004 environment sometimes their effects are beyond my perspective.

If I started to tune the scenery for "this or that" global alteration product then I move further away from the default and disadvantage others. Literally a "Catch22" situation. :banghead:

Unfortunately there are just too many alternative meshing and other global alteration packages out there for me too attempt to have alternative scenery products for each so I aim for the Default environment.

The Ford Tri-Motor Project has developed scenery for location all over the world and will continue to pump out more scenery but I have to rely on a base platform for that development.

I guess that the only solution is that simmers who have some of these global "enrichment" scenery packages either opt to forego the Ford Tri-Motor Project Scenery that clashes with their overall environment or forego the other enrichment product. Big Decision either way and only something that you can choose to do.


Garry :wavey:
Sorry if I caused any misunderstanding. I know the issue is at my end and I agree completely with your reasoning about location and add on stuff, this isn't the first time one scenery has been foiled by another. I know I can salvage most of this by creating some local flattens but I believe the BIG S ramp is toast unless I can figure something out.
Hi mate,

No problems or misunderstandings this end - I fully understand that lots of simmers will naturally load up anything that offers, and often delivers, a better scenery environment. And there is a handful that really do a great job of it.

However, due to the plethora of different "environment enrichment" packages out there, ranging from local to global changes it is best if I hold at the Default option - most can tweak back to that - and other savy people can tweak the current scenery to fit in.

Fortunately, which might help, is that the Ford-Timor scenery has been developed using multiple AFCAD platforms at different levels above sea level from the default - currently 3 levels - just above sea level for the main airfield - 1273 feet for the Airship/Blimp runway and 2360 feet for the airfield that services the big ski jump.

At the moment I am building a fourth level - 2690 feet above sea level with a slopped grass runway going nearly 2000 feet up/down a hill at a 9 degree angle with the airfield at the top.:biggrin-new:
Update/Upgrade to the Ford-Timor Scenery

Hi Good People,

Could not resist a challenge mentioned in a forum thread - a Grass runway up/down a sloping hill. Got it worked out and have added it to the Ford-Timor Scenery pack - sorry, for those that have already downloaded and installed the Ford-Timor project it will be a simple matter of download again and then just unzip into your Ford-Timor scenery directory.

What have I done?

(1) I have refined, yet again some of the jump ramps - particularly the Big Ski Jump - made it more smoother - very fiddly stuff working in three dimensions adding a 3D model in a very challenging area.
(2) Added a runway up/down a hill and an airfield at the top for parking etc. See Pictures below:



That's all - no more tinkering :wiggle:

Regards from your Ford-Project Team
