Junkers Ju-60


Charter Member
Anybody know where one could download the freeware JU-60 for FS9 with the virtual cockpit?

Thanks, Sid
Ralph Kreibich released a model of the Junkers 160, a development from the Ju-60. You can search it out @ Flightsim.com. If you're not familiar with his work, search his name. Lots of really good material.

Junkers Ju-160 by Ralf Kreibich, here's the download:

Thank you Magoo...but!!

Magoo thanks for the link. but there is no info about the panel in the panel folder and this plane is spsed to have a VC. Do you or anybody else know of the panel?
There's an option in the aircraft selection menu to fly with or without the VC. This model was released (as what) Ralph considered an unfinished beta in form. He was retiring from FS model building.

Looking inside the model's folder, there is a panel folder, and it's empty. That tells us that the entire VC, gauges included are built into the model. A beautiful bit of coding for lower framerates, abeit a bit frustrating for those who would want to mod the panel themselves. Looks good to me, very well done, great detail, all mousable switches and controls, good use of colour and tone. Immersable.

No sign of a 2-D panel. Wouldn't be too hard to cobble one together if it's an issue.

The only un-finished-ness I could find with this model being the cockpit exterior glass; it appears non-rendered to my eye. There's plenty of frame work though, so the aircraft's form seem unbroken and it comes across as a non-issue to me. Tail wheel doesn't move to angle when steering....bah...who needs it...still a beauty.

A typical (masterful) Ralph Kreibich rendering, another great piece of work that fills a relevant gap in aviation history. I hope he returns to flighsim model creation one day. I've always been a big fan of his work.
See attached for a revised flight model for Ralph's Ju.160. It was cobbled up when the model was released, I can't recall why, or if it's even accurate. Flies reasonably enough. Those using this model may wish to give it a try.

Just doing some circuits this morning and re-evaluating, the Ju-160 could make for a nice (period) high-speed light freighter with some rough airstrip ability. Papua New Guinea or Northern BC, Alaska....Africa...the Andes.....

...Ahh...Late for work, gotta run. Cheers!!
Because it was released as a "unfinshed" project Ralf was nice enough to include the GMax source code in the zip file. Now that is extremely generous.
Not only can anyone with the required talent continue work on the airplane with a great starting point.....but those of us who still try to figure out how to go from a 3D BOX to something that resembles an airplane take a look at how he has done it.

Dang.. I didnt know someone had done the 160. I was thinking of doing it myself but counldnt find any good cockpit photos. There is like one, and thats it. Nothing showing you the interior of the pilots cabin.

<--- downloading

Its an amazing plane for its day. Junkers had the right idea going with this one.
What am I doing wrong?

After downloading the Junkers and following installation instructions, the aircraft does not even show up in FS9 list of aircraft.

Did anybody else have this happen?
Hi Sid
Not sure if you're working with the version I e-mailed you or if you managed to download it, but what I did was to make a new folder in the programme's "aircraft" folder and copy into it everything in the downloaded folder called "aircraft", ie the model, panel etc folders plus the air and config files and it shows up OK. Hope this helps.
