Just arrived at flightsim

Sharp looking plane, with over 56 texture options including two unique display textures. Very fast but realistic FDE, easy to land too. The panel has the clearest, easy to read HUD I have ever seen in FS9.... and an all glass cockpit with very readable gauges. No 2D. Big Download... 85MB

Two small issues with this:

1. The view forward is too 'nose-down'.
2. She loses altitude - even in autopilot.

Looking into these.

To address the first issue, change the following lines in the panel.cfg file:

//VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=14.000, 0.000, 0.000
VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=2.000, 0.000, 0.000

Dave --

The folks on the dark side are having a go with the Grizzly, I saw that someone had posted a new aircraft.cfg in the FSX Forums. You may want to have a look at that to see if it will help you with your efforts. I have all but eliminated but a few of the paint schemes, working on crisping them up just a bit. Maybe three or four paints for each model. Placing the common textures in each of those 50 some odd paint schemes makes for a very big file!:isadizzy:

Common textures can also be put into FS9\Texture. The only problem is finding them when you want to delete the aircraft.