I hit a snag in my painting and tweaking. A new system....with Win 7 Ultimate. I can not use Aircraft Container Manager under Win 7 and Photoshop 7.0 will not install either. So, I am out of the skinning and tweaking business for a bit. Not long as I will set my system up as a dual boot with Win XP Pro and Win 7 on separate drives. A 250gig for XP and a 500gig for Win 7. My sim files are now luxuriating on a spacious 1TB drive. So, for the mean time....I will just be flying and enjoying my new sim performance. In a month or so, I will set about dual booting my system....need to get some tips and info on how to properly do it first.
So, for now OBIO's Virtual Aircraft Restoration Company is shut down....not permanently, just while the place is spruced up and expanded. Heck, I might just have to spend a little time with AFCAD and Runway12 and create a scenery to do my restoring and testing in. Yeah...sounds like a good idea.
So, for now OBIO's Virtual Aircraft Restoration Company is shut down....not permanently, just while the place is spruced up and expanded. Heck, I might just have to spend a little time with AFCAD and Runway12 and create a scenery to do my restoring and testing in. Yeah...sounds like a good idea.