Just Flight Memphis Belle add-on - install problem


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OK what's the CFS3 Mosquito B Mk IV (fitted up as an FB Mk XVIII but still obviously a bomber variant under the skin) got to do with the Memphis Belle add-on?

Well, I've been digging out my CFS3 add-ons (Firepower has yet to be located) and one I managed to install without bother was the Abacus 'Mosquito Combat Europe'.

However, the JF Memphis Belle refused to install - it starts but very quickly, an error message tells me 'Failed to load dll: fstype' and the installation is aborted.

There have been a couple of posts here about that same error, one on the JF BoB add-on which seemed unresolved, and another on the Belle add-on, where a reply reported copying the files from the CD to the CFS3 install drive got it working - which didn't work with me (although that drive in my case is not the same one my O/S - Win 7 Home Premium - is on, whether that makes any difference). Googled remedies didn't help, like running the system file checker.Applying Win XP SP3 compatibility mode and a few other compatibility settings to the install-related .exes on the CD or running them as an admin, also didn't help.

Any ideas or suggestions welcomed!
This is what I did!!

May work for you if you have the required system!

With the introduction of later versions of windows the disk system used changed and made lots of discs only fit for tea/coffee/beer etc coasters.

First you will need an old PC running windows 7 or lower I used an old XP laptop.

Install CFS3 and patch.
Delete all the files in the CFS3 folder except the EXE, the installer needs to see that to install.
Install to what is now a dummy location.
Once installed it gets a bit more complicated.

Copy over the aircraft guns weapons folders etc to the destination CFS3 install.
Any files that are left like effects.xml will need to be gone through and any relevant sections copied over to the xml in your install.

I would recommend backing up any files before editing.

It was a while ago that I did this and my memory may be a bit jaded. As I recall I was unable to install "Memphis Belle" into my Firepower install as it clashed with the B-17 in there. There was a patch for this from Just Flight, but I think I failed to get that one to work. Could be wrong again.

Yeah, the error message means it can't find/read what it needs from the CD so you will have to install it on an older machine which is what I did with JF's Battle of Britain. If you don't have one of those maybe you have a really good friend that will let you borrow theirs.
Thanks for the tips guys! This PC is Win 7 which is no dice; I think I still have an old Vista laptop which might still boot up. If so I can install there and copy the files from MB onto a CD.

I may still have on a CD the JF patch that enabled FP and MB B17s to co-exist. I preferred the latter; the FP one was an FPS killer, with every cowling stay and engine cylinder modelled in 3d, while the MB one just had textures for the detail inside the cowls and looked just about as good.

Pity it's no dice with Windows 10 apparently, but ran just fine with 7 Home Premium, here, and should be the same for other contemporary Just Flight CFS3 add-ons:


Use Just Flight's simple 'SecControl' utility to start the required service; run the install off the CD; then use the utility again to stop the service.

Then go out with your friends and blow stuff up!
