Just Flight Piper Arrow and Turbo Arrow and Mixture axis?


I installed the most recent updates for the aircraft, but I am noticing that I can't move the mixture past 40% to cutoff unless I have the aircraft state set to cold and dark. I checked my HOTAS axis in the control settings, and I don't have this issue with the Milviz Corsair, or default Asobo aircraft. Is anyone else encountering this?
I don't know if this will help? However, there are two Mixture setups in MSFS. -100% to 100% and 0-100%. I have tried both and only one works for me, but I don't remember which one. I tend to use FSUIPC to set most of my controls. I find that it gives me less trouble. Ohs & Ahs works too. But, it will not let me set an ON-OFF toggle switch, so I don't use it.
Howdy Delta 558, I’ll take a look at that. Thanks.

Howdy Jmig. If the lock that Delta 558 talked to isn’t the culprit, I’ll give swapping the mixture axis to the mixture for engine 1 and remove it from mixture for all engines a shot.

I had a similar, but different, issue with the cowl flaps on the Corsair. It turned out that MSFS had assigned another switch on my throttle to cowl flaps engine 1, in addition to a switch that I had for all cowl flaps. I caught the issue when I loaded in to the Asobo Barron.
So Delta was right on the money. The Arrow does have a mixture lock that I wasn’t aware of. It’s kinda tricky to engage and disengage, but it works!

Funny thing is that I have the Arrows for XPlane 11 (with REP and I love ‘um!) and I notice that the lock doesn’t work for that sim. Oh the quirks that are found!