A new Update for the above has been released by Just Flight. If you have the airplane, go to Just Flight and redownload and reinstall it.
Same with the Concorde. Both need to be v1.0.5 now, basically for SU11 compatibility.
Was this today? No notification here yet, purchased it through Just Flight. The update last week had the weird bugs.Just got an update for mine. Looks and flies wonderfully. A great slow cruiser.
you have identified several of the bugs in the recent update. A number of items noted in the MSFS forums. The developer has the flu, so it will be a while before these items are fixed.Anyone sees his/her student in the front seat from the VC ??....Both pilot and student/pax figures are there in external view but the student seems to have jumped out when viewed from the VC... Used to be fine before the update... (also, in external close-up view both figures dissappear..)Are you seeing this too ?Also, does the real Stearman have no aileron/rudder trim ?Thanks!
When I fly planes that have the default pilot models in the copilot seat, they're animated. It's the dynamic passengers that are added by weight entries that might as well be creepy store dummies. The strange part is when you look behind the sunglasses of your copilot and see blacked out corneas!While MSFS default pilot figures are modeled very well, a second officer sitting next to you in the VC doesn't work that way. He/she will always look dead as a doornail.
When I fly planes that have the default pilot models in the copilot seat, they're animated.
Really ??.. Animated how ?
I'd be interested to see that. Can't remember having seen an animated co-pilot figure sitting next to me ever. You mean just now, with the 40th anniversary new aircraft ? Or ever since MSFS exists ?
Thanks !
A few of my fav's have the copilot visible from inside, such as the Kodiak and the DA62X modded Diamond. They use the same animated pilot model seen from the outside, so they're animated. But if I fly the Tundra interior Kodiak and add weight to the pax stations in the weight page, that's when I get the creepy static models that look like something from a really cheap wax museum.
PT-17 Stearman already updated to v1.0.6 (available in Justflight anyway).
PT-17 Stearman already updated to v1.0.6 (available in Justflight anyway).