Just Flight Spitfire


Charter Member
Hi all...I see some paints available for the Just Flight Spitfire....is that the one that was being given away that was originally for FSX? I guess their offer expired for the free one...I remember checking it out but passing cuz I don't have FSX butif I had known about a patch for making it into a FS9 plane I woulda jumped on it like flies on doo doo!
Oh well...can't have every aeroplane in the universe I guess!!!
As far as I know this plane has never been offered for free. It's always been an FS9 plane (payware), the patch is just a patch to update some model issues.

I think the freebie was actually a Hurricane, don't remember who offered it, I don't have FSX either.

If you really have to have a Spitfire (and let's face it, who wouldn't) I can recommend the original Mk.XIV for FS2004 from RealAir. Fantastic plane, lots of available repaints and all for a very reasonable fee !

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End of sales pitch !

The Hurricane you are thinking of is probably the one from Aeroplane Heaven. They also do a free Spitfire IX two seat trainer.
Ahhh-ha! Maybe it was a Hurricane that was offered. Guess I'm showing signs of forgetfullness.....today the sim, tomorrow the old folks' home!
Mid,you'll find a free demo of the JF/AH Spitfire Mk.I here, http://www.justflight.com/demos.asp. Fully functioning. They did for a while offer a CFS2 freebie as a Xmas gift one year of the same Mk.I (adjusted for CFS2 obviously) and IIRC the Prototype for FS9 was also a gift at one point. There's a few other demo's there to, some limited others not.Jamie
Just to clarify, the repaints I have uploaded are for the Spitfires that were included in the Just Flight 'Spitfire' package (by Aeroplane Heaven) that can be bought either as a boxed CD version, or a download version.

Here's the link to the boxed version: -


And here's the link to the download version: -


The patches I mention were issued for those who had originally bought the boxed version way back when it was first released. I would assume that the download version has the patched versions, but you may want to check with JF first just to be sure.

Hope this helps.



The Just Flight Spits were one of my first payware for FS9, so I got the boxed version a long time ago. If I know me, I likely updated it with the patch. But it was so long ago, I cannot rememeber if I did or not.

So, how can one tell if they have the patched version or not?? The model files are dated 4/19/2005 if that is any indication.

Thanks Jamie...can the Spit be turned into an FS9 plane?


the demo pointed to is the FS9 version of the Mk.I, The CFS2 version and the FS9 proto where, I'm sure, xmas pressies one year and now not available.


PS. I did start a repaint for the Mk.I as an old Irons fan. Never did finish it though.

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I have the download version from AH and my models are dated same as yours, so I think yours must be the updated ones.
I had the whole series of AH Spitfires but the only one I ever flew very much is the Spit XIX. That one has always been a favorite of mine. Matter of fact, I flew it online tonight with the guys.