Just Flight update for Black Square aircraft

I love their work, but to me, it's a bit overkill. I have the steam King Air that I bought because I was craving a good t-prop other than the stock TBM, which itself is a masterpiece for a stock aircraft. My only gripe with it is that you can't get a copilot in the interior view. When I read that you could now do that with the BS planes, it finally tipped the scale for me to buy the King Air. I still have a few issues with it though. Even with all failures turned off, I still get the odd failure now and then. Last time I had it up, even though I wasn't doing anything different from other times, I had a battery charge warning that just refused to go away. I ended up just quitting the flight.

I would wish them luck, but they know their market and I have no doubt that this next generation from them will sell like crazy among the hardcore study-level crowd.
Interesting, I hope this will be a free upgrade, I used their 58P Baron and liked it.
No I don't think so. The Baron was based on the default asobo version. This is totally from scratch models, sounds, and massively upgraded systems.
Agreed. These appear to be ground-up builds, so expect to pay full price. The only hope of a discount might be if you already have the previous generation of the same type.

More realistically, I would hope that they drop the prices for the current lineup after they start releasing the next gen models. I wouldn't mind having their baron, but I'd like to get it for less than what they want now.
. Even with all failures turned off, I still get the odd failure now and then. Last time I had it up, even though I wasn't doing anything different from other times, I had a battery charge warning that just refused to go away. I ended up just quitting the flight.

I wonder if you reset the generators as you turn them on. That is a frequent gotcha I see on various forums
Yep. There's a separate pair of warning lights if the gen's aren't working correctly. My usual error is forgetting to disengage the starter which prevents the generator from resetting. That wasn't the case this particular time.
Weird, the turboprops seem bullet proof for me. I don't think I have ever had a failure of any kind.
When one does occur I am going to be cruising along blissfully unaware because I have become so complacent with the turboprops
The Bonanza is a different story.
I've noticed that if I start the sim and fly the KA first, then it's likely to be uneventful, but if I complete one flight, either with the KA or something else, then start a second flight with the KA without restarting the sim, then it gets buggy.
When it gets buggy, does the "weather radar" screen still work or does it display some error message, even when the batteries are off ?
If so, it could be a conflict due to an obsolete version of the freeware addon for the GPS... PMS I think, if I'm not confusing.
I had that problem. The tablet of the A2A Comanche would also be affected, it wouldn't work anymore.
Updating the GPS addon(s) to their latest version did the trick.
I once had all the avionics go black - steam and glass, including the fail screens that are supposed to be battery-proof. But in the other cases where there's an error that shouldn't be there, I access the reset and schedule screens and everything is 100% good there - no indication of why there's a caution.

Luckily, these things only happen once in a while. Most of my flights are fine.
Ah ok, then it"s definitely a different issue, since you could access the "configuration" page of the weather radar to reset the failures. In my case, that screen was totally unresponsive to any clicks or rotary button action.
Also, I have once the complete electric failure in the KingAir, but just like you it was just because I forgot to disable the starters. I could realize the problem and perform the gen reset eventually.

So far, I have only their KingAir and TBM 850 for now. I hesitated to buy the Bonanza, because I feared it would feel as a kind of duplicate of the A2A Comanche. I use these planes especially in the cold and dark places (Alaska at dusk/dawn is a favorite of mine) mostly because they have a nice handling of the icing and the cabin temps. Just like the A2A Comanche by the way. These planes are a joy to startup using the torch light, then setting the cockpit lighting appropriately. In VR, it looks very nice.

I haven't bought their Baron because I have the standard edition of MSFS, so I don't have the default Baron in my hangar :/
The Dukes are not my cup of tea so I haven't bought them either.
The Velocity, I was tempted because of the push prop... but the modern glass cockpit is not attractive to me. Maybe later ?
The Starship is on my "mandatory" list, though.
I have the Velocity, and it's a nice flier. The registration is baked into the textures though, so until I take the time to paint one with my usual N721TC, I won't be flying it much. The overhead switch panel is really interesting though. It really gives the package a kit plane feel.

And I think the Starship will be 2024 only - not sure. But from what I've seen, I think it's going to have those gosh-awful FMS screens. I can't stand those.
I have the Velocity, and it's a nice flier. The registration is baked into the textures though, so until I take the time to paint one with my usual N721TC, I won't be flying it much. The overhead switch panel is really interesting though. It really gives the package a kit plane feel.

And I think the Starship will be 2024 only - not sure. But from what I've seen, I think it's going to have those gosh-awful FMS screens. I can't stand those.
The Collins ProLine AMS-850 instruments were the only instruments ever offered in the Starship, so of course it has them. And AFAIK it's coming out for 2020, at least they said so in their last update on it.
I sincerely hope the Starship is coming for 2020 too, I still havent found the desire to move over yet, though between that and the SR-71 from BBS, that might be the final draw