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I've finally managed to crack the exhaust flames for Just Flight DC-6. This was harder than usual, and it makes one hell of a difference! I know some of you were looking for this, as I even search the internet high and low. 
Fist, go to www.calclassic.com, go to their DC-6 page and download the United base pack. Or just click here http://www.calclassic.com/dc6b.htm
If you are using P3D, especially V4 like me, install it into a mock location, or anywhere BUT your addons folder, or P3D V4 main folder. When done, go to the directory and copy the entire "EFFECTS" folder to your addons folder,or whatever method you are using on your P3D(I'm using the add-on.xml system, which means I simply added it to my main DC-6 folder). Then go to the newly created "GAUGES" folder and copy only "WTDC6" and paste it into your GAUGES folder.(Again, self contained addons, addons directory or P3D V4 main)
After that, copy these following lines to your [LIGHTS] section in each aircraft.cfg inside the Domestic and Intercontinental versions.
Since I'm using shockwave lights as well, it started at 11, but just replace the light.10 and others with whatever number comes next for you.
Then go to panel.cfg, again on both folders and add this to your [Vcockpit01] section. (remember to do the same on the gauge06 as you did for light.10.
For Extra smoke download the following Gauge, by Richard Wisman, at AVSIM.COM -> Look for: "beechcraft_18ds_auto-smoke_gauge_for_fsx.zip" (follow the instructions inside to install it) Link: https://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=172099
Then add this on your aricraft.cfg
For sounds, I'm currently using one from Adam Murphy and Jesse Casserly - Skyhigh Audio Simulations, fsx_sas_pwr2800_sounds.zip, found on avsim.com
The DC-6 is now, a very different lady

Fist, go to www.calclassic.com, go to their DC-6 page and download the United base pack. Or just click here http://www.calclassic.com/dc6b.htm
If you are using P3D, especially V4 like me, install it into a mock location, or anywhere BUT your addons folder, or P3D V4 main folder. When done, go to the directory and copy the entire "EFFECTS" folder to your addons folder,or whatever method you are using on your P3D(I'm using the add-on.xml system, which means I simply added it to my main DC-6 folder). Then go to the newly created "GAUGES" folder and copy only "WTDC6" and paste it into your GAUGES folder.(Again, self contained addons, addons directory or P3D V4 main)
After that, copy these following lines to your [LIGHTS] section in each aircraft.cfg inside the Domestic and Intercontinental versions.
light.10 = 7, 4.4, -34.80, -0.68, DC-6_LP_L_Flame ; engine 1
light.11 = 7, 7.4, -18.20, -2.2, DC-6_LP_L_Flame ; engine 2
light.12 = 7, 7.0, 18.70, -1.99, DC-6_LP_R_Flame ; engine 3
light.13 = 7, 3.8, 34.89, -0.68, DC-6_LP_R_Flame ; engine 4
light.14 = 9, 4.2, -34.90, -0.68, DC-6_IP_L_Flame ; engine 1
light.15 = 9, 7.2, -18.30, -2.2, DC-6_IP_L_Flame ; engine 2
light.16 = 9, 6.9, 18.15, -2.2, DC-6_IP_R_Flame ; engine 3
light.17 = 9, 3.5, 34.84, -0.68, DC-6_IP_R_Flame ; engine 4
light.18 = 6, 4.4, -34.80, -0.68, DC-6_HP_L_Flame ; engine 1
light.19 = 6, 7.7, -17.99, -1.40, DC-6_HP_L_Flame ; engine 2
light.20 = 6, 7.4, 18.15, -1.40, DC-6_HP_R_Flame ; engine 3
light.21 = 6, 3.8, 34.89, -0.68, DC-6_HP_R_Flame ; engine 4
Since I'm using shockwave lights as well, it started at 11, but just replace the light.10 and others with whatever number comes next for you.
Then go to panel.cfg, again on both folders and add this to your [Vcockpit01] section. (remember to do the same on the gauge06 as you did for light.10.
gauge06=WTDC6!DC6_IP_Flame, 0,0,20,20gauge07=WTDC6!DC6_HP_Flame, 0,0,20,20
gauge08=WTDC6!DC6_LP_Flame, 0,0,20,20
For Extra smoke download the following Gauge, by Richard Wisman, at AVSIM.COM -> Look for: "beechcraft_18ds_auto-smoke_gauge_for_fsx.zip" (follow the instructions inside to install it) Link: https://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=172099
gauge05 = 18!beech_smoke, 0, 0,1,1
Then add this on your aricraft.cfg
[SMOKESYSTEM]smoke.0 = 4.6, -34.09, -0.68, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 1 BOTTOM
smoke.1 = 7.9, -17.4, -2.1, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 2 BOTTOM
smoke.2 = 7.9, 17.4, -2.1, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 3 BOTTOM
smoke.3 = 4.6, 34.09, -0.68, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 4 BOTTOM
smoke.4 = 4.6, -34.09, 1.9, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 1 TOP
smoke.5 = 7.7, -17.4, 0.3, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 2 TOP
smoke.6 = 7.7, 17.4, 0.3, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 3 TOP
smoke.7 = 4.6, 34.09, 1.9, fx_smoke_f6, ; engine 4 TOP
For sounds, I'm currently using one from Adam Murphy and Jesse Casserly - Skyhigh Audio Simulations, fsx_sas_pwr2800_sounds.zip, found on avsim.com
The DC-6 is now, a very different lady

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