I found out that 90% of the registered aircraft are GA. About 53.6% of daily flights are GA. So, why no GA aircraft?
Agreed !
We are a bunch of ol' farts, right ? (Ok, i speak for myself). Teens, twennies, young adults have no feeling for G.A. Just doesn't appeal to them. They want Big,
Biggest with all the fancy liveries included. G.A. is for mature simmers, like 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's you know. Obviously this package is made by, subsequently for, the young department of flightsimmers. What do you say ?...
I do think there's a good chance one or two devs from the more mature stature will step in to fill the gap. Maybe throw in some warbirds for fun next to all the Beechcrafts, Cessnas, Cirruses, Diamonds, Pipers, etc.
In short, i believe it's a 'Young Thing' that there's no GA in this package.
( could also be just good thinking. seperate Airliner package, seperate GA package... ? ;-)
Got the JF email too. But i don't fly airliners that much, not to say at all. Yes, sure the DC-3 and DC-6 (and if there ever will be a L-749 Connie that too !) but they have nothing to do in between all these Boings and Busses. Dunno yet, maybe i'll buy that Airliner AI Traffic pack anyway. It must look awesome in VR ! ;-) Definately waiting for a GA Traffic add-on !