Just got X-plane .


Charter Member
we'll i just got X-plane and am installing it now this game is 60GB Wow this game is BIG i hope this is a good game . :wavey:
Hey Mississippi,

Its going to be a long while. Might as well relax.

Remember, all the controls are different.. All of them.. You can reset a number of them to FS configurations, (like S key, W key, A key, etc). But note that it will run those keys different.

I use the following basic keys (reprogrammed into XP9)
* S key...............3D Cockpit (VC)
* A key...............external chase plane view
* W key..............2D panel view

X-Plane doesnt rotate through views with one key like FS does with the S key. In FS, you get 2D view, 3D view, and spot plane, all from S key, (in FS2004). In X-Plane, you have 'direct to' key commands, such as 'direct to 3D cockpit mode, direct-to 2D panel mode, etc..

Remember to set your screen resolution first in the sim, then reboot it.

Have fun!

There are two VC's. If you are selecting one of the two, try the other one. The other VC doesnt have 'mouse' as your view control.
