Hey Mississippi,
Its going to be a long while. Might as well relax.
Remember, all the controls are different.. All of them.. You can reset a number of them to FS configurations, (like S key, W key, A key, etc). But note that it will run those keys different.
I use the following basic keys (reprogrammed into XP9)
* S key...............3D Cockpit (VC)
* A key...............external chase plane view
* W key..............2D panel view
X-Plane doesnt rotate through views with one key like FS does with the S key. In FS, you get 2D view, 3D view, and spot plane, all from S key, (in FS2004). In X-Plane, you have 'direct to' key commands, such as 'direct to 3D cockpit mode, direct-to 2D panel mode, etc..
Remember to set your screen resolution first in the sim, then reboot it.
Have fun!