Just ordered



Hello everyone
Just stumbled on this game while reading the wargamer.com forums and as a WW1 fan I ordered this and CFS3 straight away!! Please please tell me I made the right decision.
Any good WW1 air combat books you can recommend would be helpful also.

Thanks much
Oops, forgot to ask, is there a manual included with game???
Welcome Bruce. There are online manuals in the sim. Press esc in flight.
Also the FAQ has a lot of questions/answers.

Guys here can tell if it's worth it.. check out some of the combat action threads :)
Bruce- The absolute best "stumble" you have ever made in your "virtual world". I love "Three Wings For the Red
Baron"" (disregard the title, the book is fascinating) and "Sagitarius Rising"..there are many other titles others will chime in on..welcome to the best of the best!

Welcome bruc205

Words can't hardly do the sim justice. Your mistake would be in not having it and missing out. Don't worry. Read the many threads here and you will get loads of information including book reccomendations. This IMHO is a great forum full of great people. Again welcome.:wavey:
YOU-MADE-THE-RIGHT-DECISION! (Your wife may see that different, though.)

Ah, and for the book: Ernst Udet - Mein Fliegerleben (RICKITYCRATE, how was the English title?)
When you get BHAH, the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats will be up, between that and the FAQ, and this forum you shouldn't encounter any problems :kilroy:
I have been into flight sims for years and yes you did make the right decision.
The best simulation available, in any gendre in my opinion. If you have any at all interest in re-living and exploring WW1 air combat, you won't be disappointed.
Money well spent if you're a WWI air combat fan of any sort. Can't say enough positive things about it. I've got about 30 games installed on this PC. Haven't looked at any of 'em since BHaH arrived in the mail. Totally immersive campaign. You'll love it!!

Cheers, and welcome to the forum!:ernae:

It's the best 50 bucks you'll ever spend. What else can you buy for $50 that can take you back in history and provide years and years of enjoyment?

And check out the "Good Reads and Ripping Tales" thread, tons of highly reccomended books in there.

Olham, the english title is "Ace of the Iron Cross"

Getting really anxious and I just ordered it yesterday! If I can ask other US customers how long it took to get their copies?? I am even considering getting a Track IR, would that be a good purchase for just this game? Also I have a Top Gun Fox 2 Pro Thrustmaster usb joystick, will this work okay?? Again thanks for all the help.
I live in the NE and got my copy in two or three business days. I don't have TrackIr..but I understand it is terrific with OFF.

I am even considering getting a Track IR, would that be a good purchase for just this game?

Highly recommended. I bought mine for OFF...no other reason. It was worth it (to me anyway).
Getting really anxious and I just ordered it yesterday! If I can ask other US customers how long it took to get their copies?? I am even considering getting a Track IR, would that be a good purchase for just this game? Also I have a Top Gun Fox 2 Pro Thrustmaster usb joystick, will this work okay?? Again thanks for all the help.

Hello Bruce, thanks for your contribution to our cause, welcome to the forum and enjoy WWI Combat at it's best.

A couple of things...

1. I have the same joystick. I love it, it works well for me in off. A set of rudder pedals would help too.

2. Take your time with OFF. It's a flight sim by nature. So it does require a keen understanding of how to fly, and combat maneuvers. So if your an old dog to sims... you'll be fine, if not, just take your lumps, you'll get better.

3. I suggest TrackIR once you get settled into the game more. It helps 100% over the hat views in CFS3. They suck. EA's get into a position sometime that you can't see around you. And you lose them easily.

4. It took about 5 days and I live in Long Island, NY.

All the best,
