Just thought I'd share the news...


Charter Member
I solo'd this Friday in a Schweizer SGS 2-33 nicknamed "Taco" at the C.A.P. National Flight Academy at Mattoon IL. Out of 24 people 4 of us solo'd and the rest pre-solo'd. I guess your supposed to have 30 flights before you can solo, but I did it in 19. I'll get pics of Taco eventually, my camera battery died. Gee... I used to love powered flight, but gliding makes powered seem, uninteresting to me now.:jump:
Congratulations IDSD !!!!

I put about 5 hrs in a '33 back when they first came out but never soloed...... I prefer the longer rides in a powered aircraft.

If you haven't already, check out the Condor Soaring sim. It's a blast!!!
I've been soaring on Condor for almost 2 yrs. now and love it (under the name of "Snake Eater").

Congratulations IDSD !!!!

I put about 5 hrs in a '33 back when they first came out but never soloed...... I prefer the longer rides in a powered aircraft.

If you haven't already, check out the Condor Soaring sim. It's a blast!!!
I've been soaring on Condor for almost 2 yrs. now and love it (under the name of "Snake Eater").


condor soaring sim... hmmmm.. how much?
Congratulations. :ernae:
Yeah, to me gliding is the nicest form of flying too. Unfortunately for medical reasons I may not fly on my own anymore, but it is still nice to be a "passenger".

Don't know if you know about Wolgang Piper's FS Glider site, but here's the link. Quite a few "plastic" aircraft but even more "classics" (wood/fabric).

Many happy landings,
Congratulations! A cousin of mine, while he was young enough, was part of the C.A.P. down in New Mexico, where he became a pilot, and then flew gliders considerably, and never had more fun in his life - it seemed like he enjoyed gliders over powered-aircraft much more as well. He told me once that he and other members would go up and dogfight with gliders against each other on every weekend possible.
Congratulations! A cousin of mine, while he was young enough, was part of the C.A.P. down in New Mexico, where he became a pilot, and then flew gliders considerably, and never had more fun in his life - it seemed like he enjoyed gliders over powered-aircraft much more as well. He told me once that he and other members would go up and dogfight with gliders against each other on every weekend possible.
Oh man that' cool. I feel bad for my instructor though, to get back home he had to tow behind a 182 for 5 hours... 182 are rough, they throw you around alot, the only solution is a low tow position, but it still is hard becuase at 80 MPH you need anywhere from 10-20 lbs of stick force to turn and such. ouch....
Congratulations - flying a glider takes a lot more skill than power flying. Indeed a couple of training captains I know for major airlines always say glider pilots are much smoother on the controls!
Maybe one day you'll get to fly something a bit plusher than a 2-33A. Coming from Europe and having flown one in Canada I have to say it was the worst handling training sailplane I ever flew - so you have my admiration for soloing one!
Congrats! Sounds like your a natural. I got to fly a 2-33A back in 1983. I was 16 at the time. It was in Elmyra NY. Home of the Schweizer sailplane factory.
Congratulations, IDSD!:ernae::jump: I also soloed in a 2-32 way back in 1965. Believe me, the memory will last a lifetime.

Congrats idancesafetydance! Wonderful type of flying to better indulge in the study of weather elements. I'd like to do sail planing some day. I fly ultralight which yields a good opportunity to get closer to understanding the elements and micro-meteorology and thermals. I would love to become proficient at lengthy cross country in a sailplane or even using the lesser ultralight rigid wing hang gliders. I love to read the descriptive stories of cross country in either of the two types. I find it down right amazing to cross country in them using only natures elements and go many hundreds of miles in a days time. My favorite birds are buzzards! LOL! They are masters of the air. Congrats to you on your new adventure!
Congratulations, Cadet Holden!

I got my first flight training at IL Wing's Johnson's Flight Encampment and it got me well on the way to getting my PPL. Back then, we had the big Aerospace Education books and my unit had an exceptionally good AE Officer. The whole experience really helped me through Private ground school.

CAP will give you many unique opprotunities, take advantage of every one you can!

Have you guys in WI wing had your Ground Team Academy yet? I had heard there was some problems getting Volk Field over Memorial Day weekend.

2d Lt Nelson
Illinois Valley Composite Flight
Congratulations, Cadet Holden!

I got my first flight training at IL Wing's Johnson's Flight Encampment and it got me well on the way to getting my PPL. Back then, we had the big Aerospace Education books and my unit had an exceptionally good AE Officer. The whole experience really helped me through Private ground school.

CAP will give you many unique opprotunities, take advantage of every one you can!

Have you guys in WI wing had your Ground Team Academy yet? I had heard there was some problems getting Volk Field over Memorial Day weekend.

2d Lt Nelson
Illinois Valley Composite Flight
I haven't heard any recent news on groundteam weekend... but I hope we do have it.
Well done Cadet Holden! I started learning to fly in a glider but sadly my wings were clipped by financial issues, then buying a house, and mortgage...blah blah... In the 20 odd hours I clocked up i can honestly say flying solo was the most incredible experience. I recall the words of another student, "isn't it amazing how many more creaks and rattles there are when you're not with an instructor"... Oh, and Don't listen to the power crowd - many of the pilots who have become famous as a result of extroadinary achievements, like Chesley Sullenberger; have significant glider time. Stick with it - you'll love it. Amazing old aircraft too! I think the club I was at had those at one stage but replaced them with Czech built Puchateks, which were light years ahead. Also had a Grob 103 and PW5's & 6's. Great memories!
