Just took a step into a larger world...


Charter Member
I acquired Hauke Keitel's FW200A Condor recently and decided it needed new sounds. I found sounds for the FW200C in short order but noticed the C used Bramo engines not BMW's like the A model. The closest I could find was Lawdog's BMW sound pack for the Ju-52. Now as everyone knows Tante Ju only has 3 engines and the Condor has one more. I went into the sound cfg file and after some fiddling around got it set up as a 4-engine sound file. I'm guessing there's a tutorial out there but too late now. I'm pretty jazzed about it in any case.
Here it is if anyone needs it. Also works pretty good if you have a bird with 4 Pratt & Whitney Hornets. Just download Lawdog's Ju-52 sound and replace the sound.cfg with this one.
Run DR RUN! Stay away from sound files...they are addictive! Keep messing around in there and before you know it you will have 12 new pieces of software cluttering you computer just for the tweaking and creating of sound packs.

If you must learn to work with sound config files, the best way to go about learning is to study a sound config file and see how it is set up. Grab one of my recent sound config files and see how I go about setting it up. It's really just a matter of copy and paste followed by some renumbering.

I don't have a problem...I can quit any time I want...

Well I did it again...recently downloaded Hauke Keitel's Ju-90. I thought it had the same BMW 132's the Condor had so it was a matter of swapping out the default sound file for the one I threw together. I then noticed that one of the models (the V1 prototype) had different nacelles...pointy ones...y'know the kind that house liquid cooled inverted V-12 engines. the default sound file aliased to the default Baron...H### No was my initial thought.
Some research on the Ju-90 revealed that the pointy engines were Daimler-Benz DB-600's. Since I didn't have a plane running on those I went for the next best thing...My Bf-109F had a DB-601 (courtesy of Lawdog-man this guy rocks!). I copied that and added three more engines to the sound.cfg file. If you think a Bf-109 sounds great try this...sounds like JG26 taking off! Just get Lawdog's DB601 file (for Bf109E's and F's) and replace the sound.cfg file with this one and voila! good-to-go sound file for a Ju-90V1!
And to think I was going to waste my evening flying a Bf108 Taifun around the countryside. Oh well, maybe tomorrow evening...