Just tried out Pat's BoB Expansion


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Hi I just installed Bob with no problems and had a blast today the UI is amazing the radio chatter is awesome makes me feel i am in a real battle and the planes move really well ex. the Spitfire is very manueverable and I love the new sounds to it compared to the stock Spitfire... I tried one mission which was in the game made by HouseHobbit I believe its the first one that says BF109 escort..It was fun here are some pics I had to esort alot of He111 bombers we also ran into Hurricane fighters which was cool I was able to take out two, the mission was so long 2.35 hours i flew the whole trip no warping or nothing, wish i could trim the 109 right so i can sit back and relax and have a smoke in the cockpit.lol I was afraid of running out of fuel but was able to make it home I saw some very nice scenery and sites along the way even a destroyer attacking something... BoB is amazing and hope to find more amazing missions for it... Sorry for the small images my first time posting images I had to edit them because GIF was to large.. Just click on the image to see a bigger view.. Sorry everyone


Yes I really like it alot been playing with it all day today..:jump: I see it comes with a mission builder so will try something in the future with that, If I can create a quick combat kind of style dogfight with more than 8 planes on each side with different planes that would be awesome.. Sorry I do not have ETO yet my slow downloading speed sucks.. Thank you for this wonderful game mate and making it available to everyone for free :applause::applause::applause:... P.S. Thanks for those links for the missions will download all the ones I can find for BoB and nice to see there is a caimpaign does it work like the Stock one where you have to move the frontline for the ground forces?.. Oh and the radio chatter is amazing I can hear the British pilots talk when I am even on the German side saying Tally Ho, Got one on my tail, etc.. Is there German chatter available too?..